Sunday, September 23, 2007

Judging a Book by Its Cover

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you . . . my cover! My editor at Penguin Razorbill tells me that they’re still “tweaking,” but that I have permission to post it. You’re the first to see it, outside my family and a few select friends.

Judging my book by its cover, the story is about pink. And pretty dresses. And elegance. And those yummy little petit four cakes.

Actually, it’s about four friends who make their debut in London Society in 1815 and run afoul of a handsome lord who might have more up his sleeve than a nicely muscled arm.

At least one of the girls wears pink, though not Lady Emily, their leader, who as a budding artist finds it an insipid color. They do have pretty dresses, though not Ariadne, the bluestocking, because she’s the youngest and her mother insists on dressing her in white whenever they go to dinners and such. And they try to be elegant, although not Daphne so much, because she’s the Amazon and much better on horseback than in the withdrawing room. And they never do eat petit fours. The London gentlemen call them “La Petite Four” because they are so sweet. To which Priscilla, the reigning beauty of the bunch adds, “Oh, pooh!”

And all I can say is that I want that dress!


  1. I'm glad they tweaked the lettering as you suggested, Regina.

    The best word for this cover is "scrumptious"...although "yummy"would work too... I LOVE it.

  2. Hi, Regina!

    Part of me says "that's not a Regency dress!" :-)

    But most of me says, "Ooh, I'd pick that book up! Gorgeous dress! Love it!"



  3. Part of me was looking for an Empire waistline, too.

    Still, that is a great cover! I am soooo longing to read your book, Regina.

  4. it's a great cover! the book sounds wonderful!

  5. Great title. You guys are amazing.
    I love the blog and so will the
    teens. Great visuals, too. Best of luck.

  6. Love that cover! I'm so jealous. And, yes, I want that dress too!

  7. Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I'm trying to get the low-down on the dress and will post if my editor is willing to divulge the location.

    Hello to my sister 2k8ers! You'll be hearing more from us soon!

    Hello, Cara! I know, no empire waist, but oh, it's pretty! If you all don't know Cara, cruise on over to for pictures of real Regency gowns and more great period information. You can also find her at And I loved the Austen Trek post on September 25!

  8. Gorgeous dress, but it makes me think of a book set in the 1950's and not the Regency. Maybe it's the fact that the dress is strapless. However, it does make me want to wear the dress.
