Wednesday, December 19, 2007

And Now For Something Completely Different

You'll have to forgive me for (a) being late with this post and (b) going off-topic. It's been an exciting few days for me and Regina and twenty-six other authors of debut kids' books as we enter the final count-down to January 1st and the launch of the Class of 2k8.

The Class of 2k8 is a group of first-time authors of middle-grade and YA books being published in 2008. We banded together to help promote our books and have been working since spring on deciding what efforts we would pursue and how we'd go about getting the word out about 28 amazing new books and 28 new voices in children's literature.

The reason these last few days have been both hectic and exciting is that in ten days, our website will be fully up and loaded with information about our books, including our two January releases, Liz Gallagher's The Opposite of Invisible and Lisa Schroeder's I Heart You, You Haunt Me. We'll be showcasing all our books as they're released with videos and virtual launch parties, and our blog ( is already up and will be updated daily. We've also got MySpace, Facebook, and Jacketflap presences, and... well, there will be a lot going on throughout the year.

It's been a lot of work...and I mean a lot. As co-president of the Class I spent many hours over the last several months that I could have been writing on Class matters. But the rewards are enormous: not only the website and all, but the friendships I've gained through working with my amazing co-president Jody Feldman (The Gollywhopper Games, HarperCollins, March 2008) and all the other members of our group.

Please check in to the Class of 2k8's web homes frequently. There are some awesome books coming out in 2008!

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