Friday, March 28, 2008

Location, Location, Location

Imagine your family has decided to relocate to Bath before the Season (so it’s late winter, early spring). Your mother is certain taking the waters will return the bloom to her cheeks. Your father wants to sit around commiserating with his wealthy peers about the frightful state of hunting last year. Your older sister is angling to renew the acquaintance of a dapper half-pay officer she met last Season. And you’d like a little time to scope out the Eligibles before joining these handsome gentlemen in London after Easter.

Where do you stay? Take the following quiz and find out! (Hint, if you just want to see the pictures, click on the links at the end of each choice.)

A. The house is immaterial. You’re here to party! You’d like a decent house in a reasonably fashionable location, as close as possible to the fabulous shopping, festive assembly rooms, and crowded Pump Room. You intend to be busy, busy, busy while in Bath. You only need a place to sleep and eat, that is, when you haven’t been invited to some fabulous ball or other social event. If this is you, you’d be likely to pick this prime location.

B. You want an oasis away from the hustle and bustle. Yes, it would be nice to be in walking distance to the assembly rooms, but closer to the gardens of Sydney Park would be even more delightful, as would wandering the many hills surrounding Bath. Shopping is fine, as is a nice coz with a good friend. If this is you, you’d be likely to pick this fashionable spot.

C. You prefer that your family home, even a rented one, reflect your impeccable tastes. You intend to invite friends new and old to tea in your lovely garden, to literary events in your spacious library, to dinner in your elegant dining room. You prefer something solid, comfortable, distinguished, a cut above all that riff raff farther down the hill. If this is you, you’d be likely to pick this venerable neighborhood.

D. You want your home to make a statement about your prestige, your position in Society. You may be going to Bath, but you fully expect the rest of Bath to come to you. Your family has achieved the pinnacle of Society, and that must be reflected in where you stay. If this is you, you’d be likely to pick this famous sweep of property.

So, where are you staying? Complete our version of Bath’s famous arrivals book by leaving a comment and let us know! Me? I’m definitely a B.


  1. Part of me wants to say A (in terms of being near everything), but I want to live on the Royal Crescent! All that architectural gorgeousness and luxury, plus a view of nature. What more could a simple, unspoiled girl ask? :-)


  2. What a clever post! As I've said before, there are never enough photographs :) Thanks for sharing the details with us.

  3. Thanks, Gillian!

    Cara, by the view of nature, do you mean the sweeping vista of the area or possible sightings of Johnny Depp?


  4. do you mean the sweeping vista of the area or possible sightings of Johnny Depp?

    Well, both rank among the beauties of I guess either one! :-)


  5. I would have to have a place I could get outside, so that would mean either B or C. I would have to take a tour before making a commitment! :)
