Thursday, June 5, 2008

Heroine or Author?

You all know Regina Scott as one half of Nineteenteen and as author of the scrumptious YA novel La Petite Four…but did you know that Regina previously wrote seventeen other novels set in the Regency period of England? Yes, seventeen—you read that correctly.

So as a fun way to get to know Regina better, we’ve put together a quiz I’m calling HEROINE OR AUTHOR? Answers will be posted in the comment section, so get out your pencils and join in. And don’t forget, all of you who leave comments on the blog this week through Monday night, June 9, will be entered in a drawing to win an autographed copy of La Petite Four!

Here we go...

1. True or false: Like Hannah Alexander, heroine of A Dangerous Dalliance (a May 2000 release from Kensington and the prequel to La Petite Four ), Regina is a professional art teacher when she’s not writing.

2. Like Celia Rider in Perfection (Kensington, October 2003 ), Regina’s been known to go undercover…but not as a governess. What is Regina’s disguise?
a. Jane Austen
b. a Regency dandy
c. Queen Charlotte

3. True or false: Like Cynthia Jacobs in “Sweeter than Candy” from the Regency Reads anthology Be My Bride, Regina is the mother of sons.

4. Like Joanna Lindby in "The June Bride Conspiracy" of the Regency Reads anthology Be My Bride, Regina's had a long-time crush on a certain dashing spy. Who is it? Bonus question: what actor played him on screen?
a. James Bond.
b. George Smiley
c. The Scarlet Pimpernell

5. True or False: Like Sarah Compton of The Incomparable Miss Compton (Regency Reads, April 2008), Regina is a late bloomer.

6. Eugennia Welch of The Bluestocking on His Knee (Regency Reads, March 2008) and Regina both love to collect something, though Eugennia has far more of them. What is it?
a. parking tickets
b. Meissen figurines
c. antique books

7. True or False: Like Angelica Pruitt in The Pleasure Garden (Kensington 2005, writing as Regan Allen), Regina is the daughter of a minister.

8. Lady Emily Southwell of La Petite Four (Penguin Razorbill, out now!) and Regina share a certain physical characteristic. What is it?
a. a graceful figure
b. Size four feet
c. Dark, curly hair that's frizzier in the rain

Have fun! And if you need more Regina Scott after you've finished La Petite Four, head on over to Regency Reads where several of the books mentioned above are available in e-book form.


  1. Okay, here are the answers!

    1. False. Regina is an independent risk communication consultant when she’s not immersed in the gracious world of the Regency.

    2. (b) a Regency dandy, of course! Just to liven things up at writers’ conferences, Regina occasionally appears as Sir Reginald…though her Regency lady costumes are equally charming and convincing.

    3. True. Regina is the proud mom of two teenage sons.

    4. (a) James Bond. And Regina's favorite is Sean Connery, although she'd take Pierce Brosnan or Timothy Dalton in a pinch.

    5. True. Regina didn't get her driver's license until she was 19, had her first real date around the same time, and didn't finish college until she was 25. But boy has she been making up for it since then!

    6. (c) Antique books. One of Regina's most prized possessions is an 1817 two-volume set of the memoirs of John Harriott, founder of the Thames Police, given to her by her husband and friends.

    7. False. Although Regina is a born-again believer and an active member of the Church of the Nazarene, her father is a retired electrician/quality assurance engineer who last served with the Washington Air National Guard.

    8. (c) Dark, curly hair that's frizzier in the rain, but (a) is also valid. I have no clue about their shoes sizes.

  2. well, these were my answers:
    1. True
    2. B
    3. True
    4. A
    5. True
    6. C
    7. True
    8. C
    but i think i got the first one wrong. judging from what the all-knowing (or at lease more knowing than me) Marissa Doyle wrote, i was wrong :S

    oh well :D but i REALLY WANT TO READ THIS BOOK. really. i love historical fiction!!

  3. Wow 17 books that really cool. Hopefully i'll be able to read them one day I cant wait to read La Petite Four


  4. My answers are:
    1) False
    2) b. Regency dandy
    3) True
    4) a. James Bond.
    5) True
    6) c. antique books
    7) False
    8) c. Dark, curly hair that's frizzier in the rain

    Loved reading all the reviews and your websites. Can;t wait to read La Petite Four.
