Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Flirting with Props, Part 4

I must say that I regret that parasols are no longer in fashion—a pity, as they have a long history stretching back to the ancient world (yes, Babylonian and Greek women—and men!—used parasols to fend off the fierce middle eastern sun.) The thing is, they’re just incredibly useful: you can carry around some shade with you on a hot summer day, create your own flattering lighting by carrying a parasol of just the right color, or make a decided fashion statement by coordinating your parasol with the rest of your ensemble. And when furled, a parasol makes a fine instrument of self-defense that doesn’t require a license to carry!

And of course, they’re such fun to flirt with—peeking coyly from underneath them, or swinging them insouciantly at one’s side…the possibilities are endless! Daniel Shafer certainly recognized this fact, and furnishes the following tips on how to flirt with parasols:

Like the Handkerchief, Glove, and Fan, the "Parasol" has its important part to play in flirtations, and we give the following rules regulating the same:

Carrying it elevated in left hand: Desiring acquaintance
Carrying it elevated in right hand: You are too willing
Carrying it closed in left hand: Meet on the first crossing
Carrying it closed in right hand by the side: Follow me
Carrying it over the right shoulder: You can speak to me
Carrying it over the left shoulder: You are too cruel
Closing up: I wish to speak to you
Dropping it: I love you
End of tips to lips: Do you love me?
Folding it up: Get rid of your company
Letting it rest on the right cheek: Yes
Letting it rest on the left cheek: No
Striking it on the hand: I am very displeased
Swinging it to and fro by the handle on left side: I am engaged
Swinging it to and fro by the handle on the right side: I am married
Tapping the chin gently: I am in love with another
Twirling it around: Be careful; we are watched
Using it as a fan: Introduce me to your company
With handle to lips: Kiss me

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips on how to secretly communicate with fans, gloves, handkerchiefs, and parasols…it’s rather like a 19th century form of texting, isn’t it?


  1. It really sounds like there's lots of possibility for miscommunication, much like with gloves and fans. Say it's sunny and the lady holds her parasol elevated in her right hand! That could send the wrong signal. Oh my! Thanks for the fun posts on flirting. It all sounds so elegant until one thinks about putting it into practice!

  2. The lady in the picture is saying,"Follow me." I wonder which lucky suitor she is signaling to?

  3. Ok, so now I want one. You can still get some incredibly frilly, princess-y ones in the toy store.

  4. I think we need to start a new fashion movement with parasols :) How many times have I longed for one on a hot summer day?

    I know people use umbrellas on days when they are going to be in the sun a lot (especially at little league games and Air Shows). Seems to me it's just begging to come back :)

    You know a lot of fashion does tend to be "repeated" in some way or form (like the popularity of empire wasted shirts and blouses for women or the whole bell bottoms/flair resurgence in the late 90s and early 2000s). Maybe the parasol is right around the corner!

  5. Considering that people are starting to realize that too much sun is definitely not a good thing, you'd think parasols were set for a resurgence...

  6. Wow, lets drop the cell phones and grab our gloves and fans! Sigh, why does our society today have to be so boring!?
