Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fashion Forecast: 1810

What was the well-dressed young woman wearing in 1810?

Well, perhaps she was a dutiful daughter and willing to spend time with younger siblings. Here's a morning dress she might wear whilst doing so, from the August 1 edition of Ackermann's Repository:

After that, she might go out shopping or to pay calls, dressed in this Walking Dress (Ackermann's Repository, May 1):

or maybe in this "Morning Walking or Carriage Costume" (Ackermann, December 1):

This "Promenade or Opera Dress" (gotta love the multi-purposeness here!) is "A round robe of jaconet muslin, with high French ruff, and appliqued border of narrow lace round the feet. A cassoc coat or demi plisse or cerulean blue shot sarsnet, finished round the bosom with a basket border, extended on white satin, confined at the bottom of the waist with a silver or steel clasp, and to the bottom with three regular, divided silk cords and tassels. An Austrian tippet of white satin, with full floss binding, and tassels to correspond. Arcadian hat, composed of the same materials as the coat, and ornamented with full curled white feathers." (Ackermann, May 1):

Another evening or opera dress is here--note the dress on the right, which probably has removeable long sleeves (Ackermann, April 1):

I love the rich color and hat on this "Evening or Full Dress (Ackermann, February 1):

And of course, we must see a ball dress too, don't you think? The net and tassels on the overdress of this one from the March 1 edition of Ackermann's Repository are particularly whimsical:

1810 ended on a somber note with the death of King George III's youngest and favorite daughter, Princess Amelia. It's thought her death precipitated him into his final madness and paved the way for the Prince of Wales to become Prince Regent at last. Interestingly, when a family member of the monarch died, all society was expected to go into mourning. Here's an "Evening Mourning Dress" from the December 1 editions of Ackermann's Repository; note the symbolic funerary urn with a tiny portrait of the dead princess on it:


  1. Is that child (girl?) in the first picture wearing a jump suit of sorts?

    These pictures are all wonderful!

  2. I love the color of the evening dress, too. I also like the morning dress and mourning outfit. I really like these slim, streamlined styles. They're sort of the 19th century version of skinny jeans, but much prettier. I can't see people 200 years from now admiring our fashions in the same way.

  3. I always loved the simplicity of the dresses at this time. So much nicer than say, the 1860s with the huge hoop skirts!

    I think I've said this before but I wouldn't mind a little Regency revival in clothing :)

  4. I lurve this post. Look at all that eye candy of dresses. Gorgeous, pretty, simple, elaborate, etc. this was so fun to read, thanks for sharing! Have a great day.

  5. Yes, Gillian, it is a jumpsuit sort of thing...I wonder if it had a drop-flap in back? I expect it's a boy, though, because a girl would probably have stayed in petticoats.

    And yes, definitely eye candy! I thought we were due for a little of it, post Halloween. :)

  6. If you ladies wanted to run a fashion forecast again, I for one would love it! And if you're looking for suggestions (cough, cough, grin), 1816 would be a lovely year...

    Or have you already done 1816? I need to find time to dig through old posts. What a delightful way to pass a couple of hours. :)

  7. No, we haven't gotten to 1816 yet...but there are a lot of resources out there on period clothing. You might start here:

    There's also a book of Ackermann's fashion plates published by Dover Books--I think it's out of print, but here's a link on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ackermanns-Costume-Plates-Fashions-1818-1828/dp/0486236900/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257517354&sr=1-1

    Dover has a lot of other costume books that are invaluable, like C. Willet Cunningham's English Women's Clothing in the 19th Century: http://store.doverpublications.com/0486263231.html

    Good luck!

  8. Those are great links, Marissa. Thank you!
