Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New for the New Year: Announcing the Young Bluestockings Book Club!

Happy 2010 to you all! We hope this new year will be a happy, healthy, and historical one for all of you!

In keeping with new beginnings, Regina and I thought this would be a great time to kick off a new venture we've been contemplating for a while now (galvanized by a suggestion from ChaChaneen back in September): a book club! So today we would like to introduce the Young Bluestockings Book Club!

HOW: Because we're new at this, we're going to stick to holding it here on the blog, posting our thoughts on the chosen book to open the discussion; however, if we find there's interest, we may add on or switch to a chat format.

WHEN: We're contemplating doing this bi-monthly, unless you decide you want to do it more often...we'll see how it goes after the first meeting or two. Since we're announcing today, we've decided the first meeting will happen on Tuesday, February 16, which will give you plenty of time to find and read our assigned book.

WHAT: In keeping with NineteenTeen's theme, we will try to focus on books related to 19th century teens and teen life. That actually gives us a reasonably broad field from which to choose: expect to see everything from Jane Austen to Georgette Heyer to recent YA fiction...and perhaps even some non-fiction as well. We'd like to compile a list to work with, so please send us your suggestions for possible book club books: anyone who sends us a title we decide to add to the list will get one of our NineteenTeen fans as a thank-you.

To start with, we're going for pure fun with Patricia C. Wrede's delightful YA historical fantasy, Mairelon the Magician, which is set in an alternate Regency England where magic is an accepted fact of life. It seems to recently have gone out of print, but is still widely available on the internet at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, half.com, abebooks, or alibris, or at your local library.

So please join us on February 16 to discuss Mairelon the Magician, and don't forget to send in your suggestions for other books we could discuss!


  1. Mairelon the Magician is one of my favorite books ever (together with its sequel, Magician's Ward). I'll definitely try to remember to join in the discussion. :D

  2. I'd love to recommend Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevernmer's Sorcery and Cecilia, if you don't already have it in your pile. :>

  3. I would recommend The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I'm reading that in class right now and I love it! Full of adventure and very interesting if you would like to add that to your book list. =)

  4. Hi Ladies! Can I just say that I am E-X-C-I-T-E-D! Yes, I absolutely am! ha ha

    I'm on board and if I understood you correctly, we will read the ENTIRE BOOK before the Feb 16 deadline right?

    I will start searching for the book tomorrow. I'm in California so I'll probably post either in the morning or evening. As we approach will you please give us a little outline of what you want us to comment on; loved it/hated it... my favorite part was... something new I learned...

    In the meantime these are my Regency suggestions...

    1. Any of Jane Austen's novels.

    2. Any of Georgette Heyer's novels

    3. Jane Eyre

    4. Little Women

    5. Wuthering Heights

    6. Tess of the D'Ubervilles

    7. Oscar Wilde novels

    8. The Count of Monte Cristo

    9. The Turn of the Screw

    10. Agnes Grey

    11. The Forsyte Saga

  5. Yes, we definitely have Magician's Ward and Sorcery and Cecelia (and its sequels) on our list, Sandy! And I'll post reminders as we get closer to the discussion date.

    We're looking for books that reflect our central theme here at Nineteenteen, teens and teen life in the 19th century, so keep that in mind as you think about suggestions.

    ChaChaneen, I'll post my thoughts on the book on the 16th to kick the discussion off, and then you're all encouraged to respond to my thoughts or introduce your own topics. My main interest will be historical, because that's what we do here :), but won't be limited to just history.

    And (as an aside) I'll leave Thomas Hardy to Regina if she wants to assign him...the sad truth is that there are just some 19th century authors I avoid like the plague since I no longer have to read them in an academic setting. ;)

  6. Okay - I understand your theme better now and what is expected... hence the historical and teens. AND.... I got the book today! Yeah, happy reading!

  7. This is my first post (after months of avid reading). I love Wrede and will definitely join the discussion on Feb 16th (I'll be on vacation - but what could be better than to muse about teen angst poolside?)

    Michaela MacColl

  8. Hi Michaela! So glad you'll be joining us!

  9. I'm so taking part in this :) Just reserved the book at the library.

  10. Hmm I think I read this book awhile back. I'll see if I can find it at the library to refresh my memory.

    I LOVED Sorcery and Cecelia. My Amazon recommendations led me to Bewitching Season because I loved it. I have a hardcover copy of the Grand Tour if anyone is interested.

    Firehorse by Diane Lee Wilson takes place in 19th century Boston and stars a 15 year old intelligent, horse mad heroine. It's an interesting and thought provoking look at gender roles in that era.

  11. I would also recommend the Bloody Jack Adventures by L. A. Meyer. Jacky is an English teen in the 19th century and the first few books are more strictly based on history than the last couple have been. I read a lot of books about teen girls in the 19th century. If anyone falls in love with that subject, check out my blog for some recommendations.

  12. I have Bloody Jack on order with another book, but won't get them till later this month--will check out Firehorse as well. Thanks!

  13. I just ordered the book from Amazon, I think I had this book on my list of books to get and never did.

    As for books to suggest, I have sooo many I dont know where to begin. There are a few I have though that no one has suggested yet.

    The Elsie Disnmore series written by Martha Finely, (though there is 26 or 28 novels in this series and the series can get grueling at times because it tends to repeat itself.)

    Mandie and the Secret Tunnel written by Lois Gladys Leppard

    The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray is an excellent series. Full
    of magic and suspense.

    The English Governess and the Siamese Court by Anna Leonowens ( I am not sure if this book is still in print or not)

    and while set a little before the 19th century, I have to suggest these books because they are wonderful! The Cat Royal Series by Julia Golding.

    Oh and Heidi by Johanna Spyri

    And I think I better stop there or we will be here all night lol.

  14. I'm an American historian so my preference runs towards U.S. Historical fiction. My favorite YA authors are Ann Rinaldi, Kathryn Lasky and Kristiana Gregory. I especially love novels about the Civil War/slavery and westward expansion. I could go on forever listing those.

    I haven't read Gemma Doyle yet but recently I read two of the Luxe novels by Anna Godbersen but found I'm too old to enjoy all that angst.

  15. Having read the first and part of the second Libba Bray books, I view them far more as fantasies than as historical fiction. :)

    I think this is going to be GREAT! Keep the suggestions coming!

  16. Marissa I think you might be right on Libba Bray's books. Though the fantasy wasnt really what drew me into the books. lol. I liked the Victorian Boarding School aspect of it.

    I also remembered another few novels I enjoyed as a teenager.

    The Ballad of Lucy Whipple by Karen Cushman

  17. I second Joanna's love of Karen Cushman's novels. She has a wonderful way of telling a story.

  18. I've been looking for an excuse to find a copy of this book. My library doesn't have it, but I'm sure i can get it from somewhere. It's really nice to be head of interlibrary loans. :D

    I second the Bloody Jack series, and can never recommend them enough. Jacky's English, but since Jacky's a sailor the books take place all over the world: England, America, France, at sea, the Carribean, etc.

  19. Oh, good! More titles to look into! :)

  20. I was lucky enough to find a copy of Mairelon the Magician at my local library! I just finished reading it. It was a great read ;)

    Loved the characters and their crazy shenanigans to get the 'Sacred Dish'! LOL
