Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keep it Clean! Part 4: Gotta Brush those Pearly Whites

It’s always interesting to read the descriptions of beautiful women from past centuries and see how they might compare to today’s beauties. One of the common attributes often noted is their teeth: having white, even teeth was a definite attribute of especial attractiveness (Josephine, Napoleon’s first wife, was often cited as beautiful despite her bad teeth, which caused her to assume a close-mouth smile. However, Napoleon himself seems to have done a better job of taking care of his teeth--see his toothbrush above!) Breath, too, was often cited, particularly when it was bad. So what did young women do to achieve these signs of beauty?

Dental science, like other medical science, was in its infancy in the 19th century. Even so, it had been understood since ancient times that keeping one’s mouth clean would help prevent tooth decay (though not why--the idea that tooth decay is caused by bacteria was not proposed until the 1890s). Two common methods for cleaning teeth were rubbing them with a damp rag dipped in salt and ashes, or using a cleaning stick, a twig (often of some aromatic wood) chewed at one end until it was fibery and brushlike, which would then be used to clean tooth surfaces (the other end was often sharpened to a toothpick-like point to remove matter from between teeth). Of course, not everyone bothered; the situation was exacerbated by the increasing availability and dropping cost of refined sugar in the 18th century…which is why white teeth and good breath were noteworthy.

The Chinese created the first bristled tooth-brush in the early 1600s using bamboo handles and pig bristles, and some of these made their way to Europe, where the design was modified to use softer horsehair. But the idea didn’t really take off until the 1780s, when an Englishman named William Addis, while serving a temporary jail term, created a toothbrush containing rows of bunches of pig bristles set in tiny holes drilled into the end of a bone handle—essentially the modern toothbrush (see above). After his release he began to sell his brushes, now made with horsehair, which caught on and became very popular. William died in 1808, leaving his thriving toothbrush business to his son (and by the way, the company is still in the toothbrush business 230 years later) By the 1840s the modern three-row brush had been invented, and toothbrushing became widespread.

Toothpaste has a more recent history. Ancient peoples including the Egyptians, Greek, and Romans used various compounds to clean the teeth: ingredients included iris root, chalk, ground oyster shells, or pulverized charcoal. As mentioned above, a combination of salt and ashes was sometimes used as a sort of polish to rub on teeth.

The first commercially sold preparations used for cleaning the teeth were 19th century in origin. I have several advertising supplements from La Belle Assemblee containing ads for such products as “Chevalier Ruspini’s Dentrifice” (“most salutary during the winter season, the effects of cold and damp air on the Teeth and Gums being repelled and counteracted by its balsamic and astringent qualities.”) and “Trotter’s Oriental Dentrifice or Asiatic Tooth Powder” (“Patronized and used by Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Clarence and Kent, and Gentlemen in the Navy and Army, who have found the good effects in long voyages.”) It sounds as though toothbrushes were dipped in the powder, rather than the powder being made into a paste with added water; from what I’ve been able to find, actual toothpaste didn’t supplant tooth powders until after the first world war.


  1. This is one of those things that makes me so thankful to live now. I had such horribly crooked teeth when I was younger--not to mention a huge overbite--that probably would've made me quite, um, plain looking back then. So thank goodness for toothbrushes, toothpaste, braces, etc. :)

  2. In Colonial Williamsburg they sell licorice root which in the 18th c. was boiled, peeled and used to clean teeth.
    My mom remembers her grandfather (b. 1894 ) using baking soda to clean his teeth.

    I saw some ivory handled toothbrushes (minus the bristles) that were found in the trash heap at the home of Major Nathanael Greene in Coventry, RI. They belonged to one of the later descendants who lived there.

  3. Wonderful post. I can't get enough of your research, ladies. The salt didn't surprise me. My grandmother cleaned her teeth with salt and baking powder, and never had a cavity.

  4. I remember finding teeth while working on an 18th century dig in Massachusetts. What really struck me was how worn the tooth surface were--because of grit from the millstones that ground flour, according to my professor. Another reason to be grateful for living today!

    Yes, the "make your own" toothpowder from ingredients like salt, baking soda, charcoal (which must have looked creepy while brushing!) and powedered chalk was common. I wonder if they used any herbal additions to improve flavor/improve breath? The anise of licorice root would have done that...I wonder if sasparilla root was also used?

  5. i'm so glad that today's modern world is cleaner and more hygienic. . .
    but that certain fact still doesn't stop me from wanting to live in the early 19th century(regency era). . .

  6. I definitely wish I could visit, anyway!

  7. My grandfather (born in Europe in 1901) didn't like "newfangled" toothpaste and used toothpowder instead. I used to live with my grandparents during the summer and so had to learn to use it.

    A small amount of toothpowder was poured into the palm of the left hand. The brush was dampened under running water and the bristles tapped into the powder in the palm to pick up powder. To completely brush my teeth, I would have to 'reload' the brush several times from the powder in my hand. It didn't take long for me to determine just how much powder to pour out so that none would go to waste.

    The stuff my grandfather used came in a tin, rather oval shaped and about 5 inches tall. It had blue and white printing over the tin. At the top of the tin was a pierced cap that could be twisted open or closed, rather like a baby powder can, to allow you to shake out the powder. I got in a lot of trouble if I forgot to twist the cap shut after using it, as dampness could get into the tin and cause the stuff to get large lumps in it.

    It was rather gritty and difficult to rinse out of the mouth, but it had a refreshing minty aftertaste...almost like wintergreen. Definitely a different experience from toothpaste!!
