Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How I Spent My Weekend, plus a little Shameless Self-Promotion and a Giveaway or Two

I’m delighted to announce that Betraying Season is being released today in paperback from Square Fish/Macmillan!

For an excerpt and other notes about the story, please visit my website.

For on-line ordering info, you can check out your local independent bookseller or Indiebound, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Powell's, or the Book Depository (which has free international shipping!)

And to win a free copy, just post a comment today or on Regina’s post Friday. I’ll be picking two winners this week!

Now, as for my weekend...

I'm lucky enough to live in a part of the country that's seen a fair bit of history, and once a year, not too far from me, some of that history comes to life. Every fall for the last forty years at the Wayside Inn, the Annual Colonial Faire and Muster of Fifes and Drums has delighted visitors with a mock battle between reenactor minutemen and Redcoats (need I say whom always wins?), craft demonstrations of 18th century life, and best of all, a full day of fife and drum music provided by the fifteen or so fife and drum corps invited from all over New England. I can't, alas, play you the music, but I can give you an idea of some of the wonderful costumes worn by the reenactors. Makes you understand why Lydia and Kitty are constantly swooning over Wickham and his friends in Pride and Prejudice, doesn't it?

These folks of the Middlesex County Volunteers wore wigs and all--very sharp!
Have to have Minutemen, of course (the Stow, MA Minutemen, to be precise):
And Redcoats to skirmish with the Minutemen:
And let's not forget the Navy, both the officers...
And the sailors. Some of these guys went barefoot, which takes reenacting to a whole different level of dedication:
Don't you love...

...a man in a uniform?


  1. Today? That's funny I bought it just Saturday. And that sounds like a whole lot of fun! I actually live very close to some historical places myself, but I've never been to a reenactment. I believe they do one at Washington Crossing, which isn't far from where I live, so maybe I'll check it out myself. I always loved the revolutionary times.

    Janine Mimi

  2. Well, sometimes bookstores jump the gun if there isn't a hard and fast "laydown date", the way there was, say, for Harry Potter. Thanks for buying it, Janine!

  3. Oooh, I'd love to win a copy! But I will definitely buy one if I don't, heh heh. I'll bring it along so you can sign it for me at Falling Leaves! :-) kiperoo from the Blue Board.

  4. I love to see reenactments, parades, etc. like this...I love New England. Congrats on Betraying Season coming out in paperback! It was great. :)

  5. Well I love the book so far! I am very excited to continue reading more. I keep finding myself daydreaming of Ireland now. Ha ha!

    Janine Mimi

  6. That sounds very interesting, the reenactments.

    Ooo. I've been wanting to borrow betraying season and read it but haven't had a change. I love Bewitching season. i hope betraying season is just as good and exciting!

  7. I love the pictures :)
    Hopefully i can get to a reanactment sometime- I think we are holding a New Zealand one- I will go soon.

    Congrats on the new book!!!! Wish i could buy one, but I dont think my darling mother will let me.


  8. Hi marissa..sorry im late to the party. I love re enactments as well. Gettysburg was most recent trip. I will have to check out both of your books, history buff that I am.

    r r smythe

  9. Congrats on Betraying Season in paperback!!!

    Wow! I'm jealous! That looked like a fun weekend!

  10. Fabulous photos, clear enough to do a little period research! Thanks!

  11. I'm looking forward to reading it Marissa. I just finished Betraying Season -- yes I was late to the party there! -- and enjoyed it very much.

  12. Yay! I've been looking forward to the paperback.

    Those uniforms are well-made.

  13. I think I liked Bewitching season better...but a girl really must have both, right?

  14. Congratulations on going paperback!!

    I lurve this post! All the pics are eye candy and thanks so much for sharing this with us!!!
