Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fashion Forecast: 1822

What was the well-dressed young lady wearing in 1822?

1822 was a rather more interesting year, fashion-wise, than the quite dull 1821…but I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves!

This Evening Dress sports spectacular puffed (and probably stuffed) applique trim around the hem as well as on the sleeves. Note the shawl, probably an import from India (Ackermann’s Repository, January): February’s Ackermann’s brings quite a spectacular selection of Head Dresses, including bonnets at upper left and lower right, a pair of elaborate turbans at upper right and middle, and heaven knows what at lower left—something between a toque and a turban, perhaps. Feathers were definitely in, don’t you think?I wish I had the original text on this Full Dress (Ackermann’s, February)—it isn’t listed as a mourning dress, so the color is unusual…but the lace appliques at hem and on the bodice and sleeves contrasts handsomely on the dark background. Note that waists are still very high this year: What a cozy Walking Dress! I love the ermine trim, military-looking frog fasteners down the front, and Elizabethan ruff collar (Ackermann’s, March): Yes, those enormous ermine muffs are still in fashion! The asymmetrical look seems to be gone this year after being popular in 1821, and several walking or Promenade Dresses (like this one) from this year feature the large bows down the front rather than to one side. Note also another handsome India shawl: Another totally fluffy Court Dress! This June number from Ackermann’s must have been challenging to wear: note the deep rows of puffed applique around the hem, with more of it all around the long court train! I wish I had the text for this dress too, as it would have been interesting to know whether the fabric was printed with little pink dots, or if it was a white overskirt with slashes to reveal a pink petticoat: Here’s a handsome Evening Dress, also from the June Ackermann’s—I like the blue appliques on the coffee-colored fabric, and the little military-style frogs on the bodice. Some quiet elegance, after that Court Dress! Speaking of elegance, this Morning Dress from the October Ackermann’s is also worthy of note: there’s quite a bit of lace and eyelet on the hem, bodice, and sleeves here. Note the lower waist, unusual this year, neatly belted in pink, and the frill there as well: The 1820s ushered in the start of the craze for all things Scottish, led by the King himself, that would be taken to extreme lengths by Queen Victoria in the 1850s and beyond…here’s a tartan Evening Dress, with elaborately appliqued sleeves and a slightly more restrained hem: How’s this for the ultimate winter Promenade Dress? I love the mulberry-colored velvet with cord appliques at the wrist and shoulder, trimmed with chinchilla bands around the hem and a matching chinchilla tippet and muff (Ackermann's, December):

What do you think of 1822’s fashions?


  1. Thanks for the fashion plate post! I love the Scottish dress, it reminds me of Wives and Daughters when Molly wears a tartan dress to dinner :)

  2. I could see myself in the coffee colored evening dress. I can also see the fashion movement toward the "Gothic" (not Goth) touches after the simplicity of the Classical styles of earlier years.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. So many beautiful things..why can't we step back in time a bit and dress more like this? Why do girls these days wear less and less clothing, I can't believe the things that are acceptable at school these days. I'm sounding really old here.

  4. I finally understand those references to books and small dogs being kept in muffs. I always pictured them being much smaller -- I never imagined they were such monstrosities! Ah, the accessorizing a girl could do when she didn't need her hands for anything like holding purses or the hands of small children!
