Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Delightful Surprise on a Monday

I received a most exciting—and unexpected—package in the mail yesterday. When I opened it, I found these:

Yes, it’s the Advance Reader Edition (also known as Advance Reader Copy, ARC, or uncorrected proof) of Courtship and Curses! They were ready much earlier than I expected, since the book doesn’t actually hit shelves until early August of next year, and so don't contain all the final corrections of typos and so on…but what fun to see them!

Here’s a better view of the cover:And here’s the cover copy:
Sophie’s entrance into London society isn't what she thought it would be: Mama isn't there to guide her, Papa is buried in his work fighting Napoleon, and Sophie's newly-acquired limp keeps her from dancing at any of those glittering balls. If it weren't for her shopping escapades with her new French friend Amélie and a flirtation with the dashing Lord Woodbridge, she would think this season a complete disaster.

But when someone uses magic to attack Papa the night of Sophie’s first ball, her problems escalate, especially when it becomes clear that all the members of the War Cabinet are being targeted. Can she catch the culprit and keep her own magic powers hidden long enough to win herself a match?

Can you tell I’m just a little excited?


  1. Sounds intriguing! And lovely cover. Congratulations!

  2. I'm jumping up and down excited! It's been a long time coming. I just wish it would be out before August.
    Congrats, Marissa!

  3. Thank you, ladies! There's been some jumping up and down here, too!

  4. I'm so excited for you! The cover is lovely and the story sounds really good. I'll be saving my B&N gift cards to buy it when it comes out.

  5. I can't wait to read it! Love the cover art too!

  6. Mariss,
    Your cover is absolutely gorgeous.
    One of the loveliest I've ever seen,

  7. Congrats! The cover art looks great! It's a shame that it doesn't come out until August! The story sounds fun :)

  8. That's very exciting, congrats! The cover is beautiful and the plot sounds very intriguing.

  9. Congratulations! How exciting for you.

  10. I love the premise (and the cover!). I'll be looking for it next summer. :)

  11. LOVE the cover and the book sounds awesome!
