Sunday, November 13, 2011

Apologies and Second Chances

I woke up in the middle of the night with the realization that I'd forgotten something important. I promised you a second chance to win a signed copy of An Honorable Gentleman! My apologies for completely overlooking that on Friday's post. Please put my lapse down to publication giddiness.

Anyone who comments on Friday's post or this one by midnight West Coast US time on Thursday, November 17, will be entered into a drawing for a copy. I will announce the winner next Friday, the 18th.

In the meantime, please enjoy the book's trailer. You're well aware of the story by now, but I hope you enjoy the pictures (many from old postcards of the Lake District) and the music.


  1. That trailer is a delight! I love those pictures.

    No need to enter me in the contest, An Honorable Gentleman is sitting here on my desk along with The Doctor's Mission and The Rancher's Courtship. How I love LI Historicals... :)


  2. I love second chances! I have one date in high school with my husband - and 10 years later after we both went off to college and did our own thing, we ended up getting married. That was 20 years ago. :D

  3. Thanks, Gillian! So good to see you here again!

    And LilMissMolly, that was one great second chance! Congrats!

  4. Please don't enter me in the contest either since An Honorable Gentleman arrived on saturday's mail. Loved the trailer. Thanks

  5. Beautiful trailer! I'd love to move there.....

  6. I love the trailer- Its intruging!

    And thank you for a second chance :)

  7. Thank you, Grace, El, and Ettie! I probably should confess that I made it myself (you probably guessed that, huh?). And I am completely in love with the Lake District. Visiting it (and any number of other places in England) is on my bucket list.

  8. A beautiful trailer. Historical fiction novels are my favorite reads. I love old pictures too. Genealogy is my hobby. Looking forward to reading your book. Please enter me. Second chances are great. Thanks.

  9. "Beautiful" postcards in the video, Love the music :).
    Oh, and Apologies accepted ;)

  10. Wonderful trailer. I like the pictures a lot. The books sounds so exciting.

