Friday, December 9, 2011

This and That and the Young Bluestockings Too!

Sometimes, I simply have so much on my mind that I cannot settle on a topic for my Friday post. This is one of those Fridays. So, be prepared to be amazed, delighted, and enthralled (okay, perhaps merely better informed) by four different topics in one!


Next week is dog week on Nineteenteen! When I wanted to feature a dog that was both security guard and best friend in my November release, An Honorable Gentleman, I turned to a friend of Marissa’s and mine, sister author Judith Laik. Judith has raised show dogs, made quite a study of dogs in early nineteenth century England, and even taught classes to authors writing in that time period. So who better than to write a series of guest posts about man’s, and woman’s, best friend? Check in on Tuesday next week to learn more.


Do you like to play dress up? (Imagine me raising my hand as high as Hermione Granger—me! Me!) You can indulge online. This Regency dress up doll comes with undergarments, outer garments, dresses, and accessories, and you can change her hair color and style too! One warning—it’s a bit addictive!


Interested in seeing what a home might have looked like for Christmas in nineteenth century England? Check out Fairfax House in York, the original winter home of Viscount Fairfax. The site has a lot of lovely pictures, but just stay on the main page for a moment and watch the top slide show. I’m drooling!


The Young Bluestockings ride again! Yes, thanks to popular demand (okay a suggestion during our birthday house party), we are bringing back the Young Bluestockings Book Club! The Young Bluestockings agree to read a YA book set in nineteenth century England then come together on one week to discuss our impressions. Our selection this time is The Agency: A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee (another suggestion). So dash out and get a copy and come prepared to discuss on Tuesday, January 10, and Friday, January 13.

Happy Friday!


  1. I would love to visit Fairfax House one day. And, I had forgotten about the Regency paper doll and how fun it is. It is addicting. But, my doll is dressed and now ready to out for the evening - lol.

  2. I love dogs! I can't wait to read more about the role of dogs in 19th century England. I'm a terrier girl and I know they were working dogs to rid the estates of badgers, foxes, and other vermin and that given the chance, they will still TRY to hunt vermin.

    The Agency series is really good. I'm eagerly awaiting the final installment. Those who liked Mairelon the Magician will like Spy in the House too.

  3. Thanks, Jane! Maybe my doll and yours could attend the ball together--lol. QNPoohBear, most the dogs in my life have been terriers, including my current lovely lad, an Irish terrier mix. And oh my yes, does he like to hunt vermin, or in his case, squirrels.

  4. Loved the Regency doll website. Had lots of fun with it.

    Thank you for posting the Fairfax House, it makes even more eager to visit England.

  5. Awesome! I'm definitely amazed, delighted, and enthralled...not to mention informed :)

    I'm afraid our dog wouldn't be much of a security guard in the 19th century or this one! He's a coward :*(

    *squeal* Young Bluestocking Club! .....I'm off to find that book! ^___^

  6. Thanks, Rachel! Looking forward to discussing it with you!

  7. I know, Grace. I see those pictures and I so want to go back to England!

  8. Fairfax House . . . le sigh!

    A doll ball? How fun would that be?

    Thank you for the links, Regina. :)

  9. You're welcome, Shirley! Love the little Southpark version of you!
