Friday, July 20, 2012

Autographing Authors, Wandering Writers, and Poetic Proposals

We interrupt this blog to provide you with three messages from the Regina-Marissa Broadcast Network. This is not a test.

First, if you are anywhere near Anaheim, California, Wednesday, July 25, you may want to drop by the Anaheim Convention Center, third floor ballroom, between 5 and 8pm. Why, you ask? Because more than 400 authors, including Marissa and me, will be signing books! Admittance is free, and all proceeds from the books you buy will go to supporting local literacy organizations. Marissa will be at table 605, and I will be at table 405. Stop by and say hi!

Second, the fact that we will be signing books with so many other authors for charity means two things: 1) it’s time for the Romance Writers of America annual conference, and 2) it’s Regina and Marissa sleepover time. :-) So, next week, we will leave our families behind and spend a week in the rarified air of editors, agents, writers, and chocolate. Not necessarily in that order. Our posts, therefore, may not be quite on the usual days or times, because we’ll want to tell you the most juicy tidbits soon after they happen. Check the blog next week for details.

Finally, I just received a copy of my cover for The Rake’s Redemption, the third book in the Everard Legacy miniseries, and I couldn’t wait to share. As some readers suspected, my favorite Everard is Vaughn (golly, does it show?), so you can imagine how anxious I was to see how the cover artists depicted him. He’s a romantic poet (in more ways than one), with a flair all his own. I knew he wasn’t going to be easy to capture on canvas.

But they did it!

I have only one quibble: his hair. Anyone want to guess why?


  1. Is his hair the wrong color or is it an era-inappropriate haircut? (can't tell from here).

    I'm envious of your trip to RWA nationals! I just joined RWA a few months ago and decided it was too soon to invest in nationals; it's something I'll need to plan and save up for. Next year is Atlanta which is at least a shorter flight from me in Chicago, plus I have a friend in the area. May have to take advantage of that next year.

    I loved the RWA regional conference I attended in Chicago this spring - they were so well-organized; I'm sure nationals will be a blast.

  2. Hi, Stephsco! Definitely save up for Nationals if you can. There is nothing like it--the workshops; the chance to network with other authors; the industry contacts.

    And yes, the color of his hair is one of my problems. He's a platinum blonde. The hairstyle itself is fine, but there's another problem as well. Let's see if anyone else spots it.

  3. nI can't figure out what's wrong with the hair -- but I sympathize, because the hero's hair on my cover bugged me, too! (Are we just too particular about how our men look?) :-)

    I'll see you both at RWA!

  4. Oh, I would love to attend the RWA but I am so far from CA :(

    The only thing that comes to mind regarding the book cover is that I thought Vaughn's hair was long.

  5. We'll miss seeing you, J. Grace! And you are spot on. Vaughn has long hair and wears it in a queue. I wondered how they were going to deal with that. There's an opinion among publishers that long hair on men doesn't sell. You couldn't prove that by me!

  6. Cara, looking forward to seeing you too and to meeting Sir Carolus. :-)
