Friday, August 17, 2012

A Friday Miscellany

We’re moving into the second half of August now, which means a flurry of activity for moms all over. Regina is busy getting her son settled in college, which is why she’s not here today; I’ll be doing the same next week for my son, so I’ll be away then. We’re both taking off the last week in August to enjoy the last of summer, so Nineteenteen will be on a brief hiatus that week, returning to its regular schedule on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Just so you know.

In the meanwhile, I thought you might like to see my new bumper magnet, courtesy of The Republic of Pemberley’s Café Press shop:
I also indulged one of these:
Fun, yes? Definitely worth visiting for the Jane enthusiasts on your gift list.

Have a splendid weekend!


  1. SO cool. Okay, maybe a little nerdy, but that's my kind of cool. :)

  2. Have we ever claimed to be anything but history geeks? ;)
