Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Fifth Birthday Ball: May I Introduce the Gentlemen?

Welcome, welcome! Oh, but you look delightful in your beautiful gowns. Marissa and I are so glad you could join us for our ball celebrating our fifth birthday here at Nineteenteen. We’re honored by your company today, and every time we blog. Please feel free to introduce yourself, say hello, comment, and generally have fun.

We’ve been preparing for our ball for weeks, cleaning house, ordering food and extra staff to see to your every need. We even brought in a dance master so we could practice.

Now our guests are here, friends and family alike. Do be kind to Uncle and Aunt Troglington. They are terribly old fashioned, but such dears. How thoughtful of them to warm up the dance floor for us as we promenade about, greeting old friends, making new ones.

I am quite pleased to be able to introduce to you an excellent selection of dancing partners this evening. Take the Earl of Winterhoven—mature, bruising rider, avid gamester. But there’s something wistful about his face, as if he were looking for just the right lady to make his life complete.

And then there’s our cousin Dashiell, Dash for short. Fresh from Oxford, ready to start his career as a barrister, studious, serious, never met a book he didn’t like. I do think a waltz would prove the mettle of the man.

But if you like more adventuresome types, I did convince Marissa to invite Geoffrey Lewellen. Yes, I know, shocking that we allow such a renowned rake into our company. He looks so young and innocent! Personally, I think all he needs is a lady of uncommon sense and uncompromising intelligence to set him on the path to redemption.

Perhaps you like the more artistic type. Maximus Decampter paints the most glorious sunsets. Can’t you just see the sensitivity pouring from his eyes? He’ll lay his heart at your feet given the least provocation. Mind where you step!

But for me, there’s nothing like a strapping military man, broad shoulders, commanding attitude. Major Lord Michaelson is already taken for the first dance, but I will share. After all, it wouldn’t do to dance more than twice with anyone gentleman. And we have so many to choose from!

So, who’s your favorite hero? Find a partner quickly! I hear the musicians tuning up!


  1. Oh dear, if only Major Lord Michaelson wasn't already taken for the first dance. I dearly love a man in regimentals.

    Well, now I see the Earl of Winterhoven making his way towards me.

  2. I am Pooh Bear the wallflower bluestocking. You won't find me on the dance floor but in the library with cousin Dash discussing the latest books. I fear we may not read the same ones or with the same feeling. I am a follower of Mary Woolstonecraft and the gentlemen tend not to like her.

  3. I would definitely take a turn around the room with Mr. Decampter!

  4. J. Grace, you and Winterhoven (Winter to his friends) make a delightful couple. I do believe I detect a definite thaw in this particular Winter. :-)

    QNPoohBear, Dash has confided that he finds it quite stimulating to have a discussion with such a well read lady who is clearly impassioned by her studies.

    Mr. Decampter is trying to determine the exact shade of your eyes, El, so he can immortalize them in his next creation.

    And Cara, I do see that you have quite a line waiting to sign your dance card!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. And a lovely shade as well. Quite captivating, according to Mr. Decampter.
