Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Young Bluestockings Attend the Cinema

Welcome to Young Bluestockings Attend the Cinema!

Do you like to read? To think? To talk? Then you're a Young Bluestocking!

And because Young Bluestockings enjoy attending the cinema (wearing white gloves, of course), NineteenTeen's Young Bluestockings have decided to have an online "cinema club" as well as a book club.  You are invited!

All you need to do is watch the 2005 "Pride and Prejudice" (the one with Keira Knightley) sometime during the next month. (You can find it through Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and quite possibly your local library.) Then on the fourth Tuesday of October (October 23), you get to chat about what you liked (or didn't like) about it, with others here who also watched it!  

(Of course, if you've already seen it, you are welcome to join our chat without rewatching the the film, if you'd rather!)

Now, for those of you who don't know the story, and aren't sure if you'd find it interesting, here's the set-up:

Our heroine is Lizzy Bennet (played by Keira Knightley, of "Pirates of the Carribean" fame). Here she is, in brown.

She's smart. She's fun.

But there are some folks around her who think a young lady in Regency England should not be quite so smart, or laugh quite so much...unless she has a lot more money than Lizzy's family does.

So what is she to do?

Lizzy's older sister, Jane, is the pretty one.

Jane's also really sweet, and everyone loves her.

But it's possible that she's just a little too trusting....

Lizzy's youngest sister, Lydia, is an absolute brat...

....and their mother likes her best, and spoils her rotten.

You'd think it was Lydia's mission in life to humiliate Lizzy in front of people.

And by people, I mean....

cute guys!

Ahem.  I mean...handsome gentlemen.

(As you might guess, I failed my deportment lessons.  My apologies.)

And these handsome gentlemen are dressed ever so nicely....

and have courtly manners....

and they ride horses...

and dance well...

and did I mention that some of them are fabulously wealthy?

(Not that such things matter, of course. Ahem!)

And some of these utterly fabulous men are dashing soldiers....

in uniform...

with brooding stares...

and cheekbones to die for....


(I apologize for coughing repeatedly.  Dreadful manners, I know.  It's just that every now and then I get a bit...carried away.)

So be sure to stop by here on October 23 to discuss the movie!  Your hostesses, Regina Scott and Marissa Doyle, have asked me (Cara King) to lead the discussion, probably because I love historical movies almost as much as I do historical books.  (And, as I'm sure you've guessed from all the coughing and exclamation points, I get very enthusiastic about things!)

So please join us!  We will all have a delightful time...

All images, copyright Focus Features.


  1. I thought I would pop in here to apologize for misspelling Caribbean! (I fear my likelihood of dating Johnny Depp is now zero. Then again, it was zero to start with, so no loss.)

    And I also want to point out -- I wrote that whole post without ever mentioning Jane Austen. I am quite ashamed of myself! After all, she's not merely the author of "Pride and Prejudice," but also (1) brilliant; (2) one of my favorite authors ever; and (3) apparently some sort of supernatural being, as being dead for several centuries has not stopped her from writing zombie books.

    My apologies to you, and to Undead Jane!

  2. And in our Jane Austen theme, I ran across this article...

    Your Brain Loves Jane Austen

  3. El, that's interesting! Especially the distinction it makes between close reading and pleasure reading. I think a lot of writers end up doing the first when they mean to do the second... (I know my reading speed is significantly less than it used to be!)

  4. What a fun idea to have a Cinema Club Discussion on Pride and Prejudice.

  5. Glad you like the idea, J Grace! I'm one of those people who always want to discuss books & movies with people...I don't know why, but I always like comparing notes: "I loved this, but not this -- do you feel the same?" :-)

  6. Yes, I do but I have to say I enjoyed the A&E version starring Colin Firth much more.

  7. Oh, me too, J Grace! But I figured this one was shorter, and has a lot to discuss, so it would work better for our initial discussion. (Plus, I do think the 2005 version has a lot going for it...but I shall have to keep my opinions for next month!)

  8. I will keep my other opinions til next month as well. :)
