Friday, November 30, 2012

Looking Like Samantha Everard, and Looking for Some Likes

We’ve had several posts now authored by the intrepid Lady Samantha Everard, the young lady at the heart of the Everard Legacy series. Those of you who have been following the series also know she can be irrepressible. But what does she really look like?

She supposed to have golden blond hair, somewhat long and curly, and the deep brown eyes of the Everard miscellany. She’s athletic, fencing and riding with equal joy. In the books out now, she’s sixteen going on seventeen (hm, isn’t there a song about that?). But she’ll be just short of her twenty-fifth birthday when she stars in her own love story next March. How would a cover artist capture her delight at life, her mischievous grin, all grown up?

Like this:

What do you think? Does she look the way you’d imagined? I must admit I was rather pleased. She looks like someone I would like to know.

And speaking of likes, I finally took the plunge and added Regina Scott’s page to the scores of authors on Facebook. I hope to post something of interest daily, be it a nineteenth century fashion plate with a fun twentieth century caption, research tidbits too small for a blog post, and the latest news as it happens. I’d love for you to “like” me. Click here to go to the page.

Happy Friday!


  1. I'm so glad you posted a visual. She does look like I pictured her. Here's a visual I had someone make. This is Samantha at age 10 (aka Caroline Abbott, the American Girl doll).

    The Everard Parlor

  2. Oh, thanks for posting that, QNPoohBear! I want Caroline's parlor! Too bad most of my family have already completed their Christmas shopping!

  3. I think its a very lovely cover and just what I pictured Samantha looking like.

    I will definitely Like your author page when I sign in on facebook.

  4. I want Caroline's parlor too but at $300 it's too expensive and too big for my space. Perhaps you would like Caroline's Play Scenes and Paper Dolls?
    You could try to carefully color Caroline's eyes dark to make her Samantha.

  5. Thanks, J. Grace! And QNPoohBear, $300 is too rich for my blood too. Nice paper dolls, though!

  6. Lovely cover, Regina! The colors in particular are wonderful....

  7. Thanks, Cara! I like the garden feel too.
