Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Young Bluestockings Attend the Cinema: January Movie!

Hello there!  I'm Cara King, back again to announce the second installment of NineteenTeen's "YOUNG BLUESTOCKINGS ATTEND THE CINEMA," the four-times-a-year gathering of the young and young-at-heart to talk about interesting movies with 19th-century settings.

So... (Drumroll, please!)

Our next movie will be:  SENSE AND SENSIBILITY!

Of course, there are many different adaptations of Jane Austen's first published novel. The one we'll be discussing is from 1995, and stars Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, and Greg Wise.

Our discussion will be on Tuesday, January 15.  So you have a month to beg, borrow, buy, or check out from the library a copy of the movie, and see what you think.

Because what you think is really the whole point of this. This is your chance to be a movie critic, and tell everyone else what's good or bad about the movie. And it doesn't matter whether or not you've read the book -- the more perspectives we have, the more fun for all!

So please join us here on January 15!

All images copyright Columbia/Tristar Pictures.  


  1. Delighted, Cara! I will keep my opinions until then, but barely! I do adore Alan Rickman (even as Snape in the Harry Potter movies). Please join in, all!

  2. Ah, yes, it just occurred to me that that's another way of presenting it, Regina! :-)

    "If you ever wanted to see a handsome, clean-haired Snape chatting with a sane, intelligent Professor Trelawney, or a warm Cornelius Fudge laughing with a silly and sweet Dolores Umbridge, this is the movie for you!"


  3. Oh, how funny! I forgot all about Fudge and Umbridge! Yes, that's definitely a different side to the actress.
