Friday, January 18, 2013

Four Things on a Friday

Lovely conversations about "Sense and Sensibility," my dears! If you haven’t weighed in yet, please do! In the meantime, I have four things you might find interesting on this cold January day:

  1. BBC is planning to recreate the Netherfield Ball to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Pride and Prejudice! Oh, to be one of those attending! Experts in nineteenth century dance, music, and even food will be advising. It’s supposed to be aired around Easter on BBC2 (which we don’t get—stamps foot, pouts, rails at the ceiling). See the full report in The Independent.
  2. Most of my books have been mass market paperbacks. Every once in a while, though, another publisher buys the rights to create a hard cover, and I am usually the last to hear about it! Such was the case recently when I was tooling about Amazon and discovered that a hardcover, large print version of The Rake’s Redemption is going to be available soon! Amazon shows a March 18 publication date. Thorndike, the publisher, shows a February release. It’s pricey at around $29.00, but the publisher sells mostly to libraries. Vaughn, in libraries everywhere—the mind boggles!
  3. Ever wonder exactly what an early nineteenth century wardrobe entailed? The talented misses at Historical Sewing have compiled a complete list, from undergarments to main garments and outwear to accessories. Note that Mr. Darcy, Mr. Ferris, and Mr. Willoughby are among the required accessories.
  4. You may have heard that RT Book Reviews is the premiere review magazine for the romance industry (though they review many other genres as well). I heard this week that the reviewer there has given my upcoming March release, The Heiress’s Homecoming, the highest honor: 4 and a half stars and a Top Pick for the month! I’m tickled pink!
Hope you have a similarly delightful Friday!


  1. I hope they show the Netherfield Ball thing in the US at some point!!!

  2. oh a real life Netherfield Ball would be amazing to see!

    Congratulations Regina! I'm happy the library will be getting the Rake's Redemption. I hope they option your other books too so I can read them long after the paperbacks have deteriorated and support the libraries.

  3. Me too, Cara! And thanks, QNPoohBear! From your mouth to Thorndike's ears. :-)

  4. Congrats! I just happened to order/pre-order both your latest books.

    Thanks for info on BBC and the Netherfield Ball.

  5. Thanks, J. Grace! And you're welcome. :-)
