Friday, September 20, 2013

Let Us Hear from You!

How that's for a blatant plea?  But, hey, perhaps we’re allowed.  It is, after all, our birthday here at Nineteenteen.  September marks the beginning of our seventh year of blogging.  We’ve shared fashion forecasts for much of the early nineteenth century; the fate of Queen Victoria, her forebears, and her descendants; and the wonders of matches, hobby horses, and the Dead Letter Office.  We’ve taken you to Brighton and Balmoral and on the Grand Tour.  We’ve reviewed books and movies in our Young Bluestockings Club.  We’ve introduced you to other authors who write about the nineteenth century.  And we’ve hosted contests and quizzes galore.

Over the years, we’ve received a number of lovely, insightful comments, but lately you’ve been awfully quiet.

We miss you.

We know you’re out there.  Our analytics programs continue to insist that hundreds are reading the posts online, and nearly 250 of you are receiving them via e-mail. 

If you’ve been waiting to comment, now’s your chance!  As we have done every year since we started, we are asking for your input.  What do you like?  What don’t you like?  What do you want more of?  Less of?  Are there topics you wish we would cover?  Is the blog still of interest to you?  Would you prefer us to take this to Facebook or Twitter?  Has the time of blogs passed?

Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

Photo credit:  D Sharon Pruitt


  1. Hello,

    I do enjoy reading your blogs finding them interesting & informative. I would like to see future blogs about life in the country, or what to do while in London - places of interest/activities during the Regency. And how can I subscribe to your blogs by email? Many thanks, Diane

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi, Diane! Thank you so much for posting! I'm embarrassed to say I'm not sure how to subscribe via e-mail, but I'll figure it out and get back to you. I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

  4. Hi, Happy Birthday! I've been reading this for several years and I still find it very interesting. My only complaint is that there is no searching by topic through past articles so if you don't remember when an article was published it is almost impossible to find. I'm most interested in how people lived, food, activities etc. people may be not commenting as much because it is harder to comment now then when I first started reading.

  5. I enjoy the historical insight into various people, fashion, transportation, etc... that are mentioned here.

    I also follow on facebook, of course I do check FB more often but I still enjoy blogging and learning something new.

  6. HI
    I still read the blog. Its is definitely better than facebook or the likes.
    I would love to read more about life in the country, farming and roles that woman (middle class as well)

    I know this is 19teen but if you're looking to super extend your self, Im interested in the Edwardian era :)

  7. Happy Birthday! You guys have a great blog here, I always enjoy it. As for what I'd like, one of my fav things about Regency books were the parties they threw. Maybe anything along in that topic? Of course, I'm a newcomer, so perhaps you've already covered that extensively! =)

  8. Happy Bday! I like all of it ;) Especially the fashion plate posts!

    Could you talk about what novels were popular during the Regency/Victorian period? That would be fun.

  9. I don't know why I don't comment much . . . but I do enjoy the blog as is.

  10. Thank you, thank you, my dears, for all the comments! Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!

    Bethany, have you tried the search box in Blogger? I know I have to use it once in a while to locate a past post and make sure I'm not duplicating myself. :-) Marissa, Cara, and I have talked about being more deliberate in adding tags to the post so they will be easier to find. And yes, we have reluctantly had to add more security to the blog because of the excess of spam.

  11. Thanks for the suggestion about the Edwardian era, Ettie! Marissa and I have talked about extending beyond our current period, particularly as a number of our books look to be set elsewhere and elsewhen. So, look for other topics to be introduced in the coming months. :-)

  12. Leandra, we have covered country house parties and balls, but there's always more to say, for sure! Will put on my thinking cap to see what other angles we may have missed.

  13. Diane, you can get us by email by subscribing to the RSS feed--click on where it says "Join this Site" under Followers in the sidebar on the left (you'll have to scroll down a bit.)

  14. And thank you for your comments!! It can be a little hard to keep posting into a void, so to speak.

  15. I should have known Marissa would know. There you go, Diane!

  16. I've had a good excuse for my absence. I've been in Bath at the Jane Austen festival. Thanks to NineteenTeen and a few other blogs, I was one of the most well versed Janeites on the two day trip tours I went on. I love this blog so keep up the good work!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Oh, QNPoohBear, how wonderful! Attending the Jane Austen Festival in Bath is on my bucket list to be sure. And thank you for your kind words about the blog.

    Also, in case anyone wondered, I thought I should mention that the two deleted posts on this thread were duplicates. Not sure what Blogger was doing. But they were great comments, the first and second times!

  19. What about delving into life for the working classes? That would be an interesting way to branch out!
