Friday, December 20, 2013

Let's Celebrate Christmas!

It's nearly here, that special day!  And Marissa and I are planning to celebrate with family and friends.  So let's start the celebration right here on Nineteenteen!

First off, what’s a Christmas party without a few decorations?  Last week I explained how to make kissing boughs.  I’ve set one right in the doorway of our lovely withdrawing room, just waiting to catch that handsome earl unawares.  Are you bold enough to steal a kiss?

Marissa’s friendship with Queen Victoria has inspired us to set up a Christmas tree as well.  We have spiced cider ready and cakes and mince pies as well as fruit brought from friends in the Indies.  And one of our lovely readers has volunteered to play for us, with carols dancing in the air.

Finally, allow us to bestow upon you more than our friendship.  We have certainly treasured yours this past year!  For starters, here’s a look at the annual Jane Austen promenade in Bath from this year.  Oh, to walk that pavement!

I’d also like to offer a dainty little book, embossed with your name in gold, of the collected sayings of Lord Pompadour Snedley.  You say you are unfamiliar with his work?  My dear, he is that expert on etiquette whose wisdom is being quoted among all the best families.  Although, ahem, I do think one or two of his sayings may have been misconstrued.  For example, this one:

“Young ladies are indebted to their chaperons, those maternal sorts who hover about at balls, making sure that everything is aboveboard. Do insist that they stay away from card tables, sharp objects, and the occasional cavorting in the servant's hall.”

You can find your book here

Happy Christmas, my dears!  Please enjoy the holidays and return with us on January 7, when we will resume our normal posting schedule of Tuesdays and Fridays.


  1. Enjoy your time w/family and friends! See you back in Jan. =)

  2. Hope you all had a happy Christmas! That promenade was incredible! There were about 600 people in Regency dress of all ages, even babies! I had fun watching everyone and following them around Bath. What amazed me the most was when the ladies walked around in their costumes all week despite the rain and mud! "Her petticoat 6 inches deep in mud!"

  3. Thanks, QNPoohBear! Sounds like the promenade was a real slice of life in Jane Austen's England. Seeing it myself is definitely on my bucket list!

    Happy New Year, all!
