Friday, March 21, 2014

Behold the Horseman, and His Bride

I must deeply apologize, my dears!  Normally, I share with you the cover for my upcoming books as soon as I receive them.  But it appears with all the excitement of the holidays and the busyness of winter that I completely forgot to share the cover of my April release, The Husband Campaign, here on Nineteenteen!

Today I rectify that.  I’m sure some of you have already spotted this cover around the web.  The Husband Campaign is the final installment of my Master Matchmakers series, where downstairs servants play matchmaker for upstairs aristocracy.  I think the artists did a great job connecting Lord Hascot’s love of horses with quieter pursuits of his bride, Lady Amelia.  There is something wistful in the way Lady Amelia regards him that fits with the theme perfectly.

The book is due out April 1, and you can be sure we’ll have a celebration here that week.  In the meantime, as I have traditionally done, let me give you a few hints as to who was in my mind when I sent information to the Art Department for this cover.

The role model for my hero has acted in a period piece at various points of the compass, but his talent lately appears dwarfed in a royal way.  My heroine was an actress who set out to catch a thief before her own brush with royalty.

Anyone want to guess?


  1. The hero must be Richard Armitage :swoon: and the heroine Grace Kelly?

  2. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winna! You are right, QNPoohBear, about both. Thank you for jumping in to guess. And I agree--I love Richard Armitage!

  3. That explains why I was so interested in the mysterious horse mad gentleman in the previous book! Congratulations on yet another completed series. Does it feel sad, like parting with old friends or are you tired of them and ready to meet someone new?

  4. A little of both, QNPoohBear. I hate leaving them all behind, but there are so many more stories yet to be told! I realized one day that I probably won't live long enough to write about all the characters in my head.

    But I can try. :-)

  5. I really enjoyed Lord Hascot in the previous book. According to amazon, my copy of The Husband's Campaign should ship out in the next few days.

  6. Thanks, J. Grace! It's good to know the books are moving out. The official pub date is April 1. I keep thinking I hope that isn't an April Fool's joke!
