Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Good Story Is Timeless

What’s your favorite historical period?  Marissa and I started this blog because we have a fascination for the nineteenth century, and England.  But the nineteenth century is often called the “long” century, because the attitudes in it could be seen as spanning the late 1700s to the early 1900s.  And within that time, as you probably noticed from just in Marissa’s fashion forecasts, everything from fashion to technology to religion made some drastic changes.

Then there’s the difference between what was fashionable in England and what was popular in America.  And Marissa has found plenty to love lately in the World War I era.

So what’s your favorite?  I have a soft spot for the Regency period, no doubt about that.  But I've always loved stories about the way west along the Oregon trail, and I enjoy a good medieval yarn about bold knights and noble ladies.  And who doesn't love a cowboy?

The amazing variety of historical settings available to authors is one of the reason I’m so pleased to be part of the new boxed set, Timeless:  Historical Romance Through the Ages.  Together, the stories range from Regency England to early 1900s Chicago, from Minnesota during the Sioux Uprising to post-Civil War Missouri.  And two stories are set in Montana, one in a Civil War era mining camp and one on a 1890 ranch.   

Give it a try, and tell me which you love most.

And where is Marissa, you might ask? She’s off this week.  She’ll post next Tuesday, we’ll both be off the last week of August, I’ll post September 5, and we’ll be back to our normal posting schedule September 8.  Happy reading!


  1. Will this be made available through iBooks at this price?

  2. That is our intent. Uploading always takes a little longer, alas. Thanks for asking!
