Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In Blog Years, We’d be How Old?

Oh my goodness, it’s that time again!

Here at NineteenTeen Regina and I are celebrating our bloggy birthday this week and embarking on our eighth year of telling you about all the fun bits of history that don’t make it into textbooks (or even into our own books.) Yes, that's right, our eighth year--you've been reading us since 2007.

Eight years...if we were a boy in 19th century England, we'd be getting shipped off to Eton about now. 

Like, wow.

So first of all, thank you for subscribing to our feed, stopping by occasionally, or whatever you do as a NineteenTeen reader. Because...well, you're why we post every week.  It wouldn't be much fun if we didn't have someone to talk to.

We plan to bring you more of the same (well, not exactly the same, but you know what I mean.) I’ll be posting a few more Fashion Forecasts from 1917 over the next months in addition to other WWI-centric posts...as well as introducing a new Ackermann’s Repository series (quelle surprise...but I think you’ll like this one a lot.) I’m not sure what Regina has up her sleeve because we like to surprise each other sometimes, so I’ll let her tell you about that on Friday. In short, look for more of what you expect from us.

However, it doesn't have to be that way. As we always do at this time, we’re requesting feedback from our readers. Are there any topics you’d like to see us cover that we haven’t already? Any types of posts you’d like to see more of? Do you want to try a group reading again? More guest posts (and if so, whom would you like us to invite)? Please, let us know how we’re doing...and if you do, I hereby give you permission to eat cake at least once this week. Maybe more.

Because hey, it's our birthday, right?


  1. Can you invite Marion Chesney?! =D She's the writer that introduced me to Regency Romance, I grew up checking her books out at the library. On a more serious note- Congrats! Eight years is pretty epic!

  2. OK, Leandra may have cake! :)

    Hmm...Regina, do you have a contact with Marion? Maybe we could interview her...

  3. I looked her up as soon as I saw Leandra's comment this morning. We can certainly invite her to visit or beg for an interview. I know she has many loyal fans! Thanks for the suggestion, Leandra!

  4. Congrats, eight years is a long time in the blog world! I don't have any specific requests, but I'd like more information on what young people were doing in the Edwardian age and WWI.

  5. Thanks, Lynn! I'll be doing a few more posts on what girls were doing for the war effort over the next couple of months.
