Friday, November 7, 2014

Free Books!

Yes, you read that right. I’m so excited about the publication of The Bride Ship that I’m giving away a handful of it and other books. If you leave a comment on today’s blog, even a “hi, I’m here!” kind of comment, I will enter you in a drawing for your choice of the following:

A paperback copy of The Bride Ship

A paperback copy of The Husband Campaign

An e-book copy in the format of your choice of Secrets and Sensibilities, the first in my Lady Emily Capers series

An e-book copy in the format of your choice of Ballrooms and Blackmail, the most recent in my Lady Emily Capers.

If you already have all of the above, choose one to give away to a friend or family member for Christmas.

I have five copies of each of the books up for grabs. All you have to do is say hello, tell me why you like the blog, suggest something for the future--anything. That’s the only way I’ll know your name so I can list it when you win. Feel free to let others know about this giveaway, so they can get in on the action too.

And do come back next Friday when I will announce the winners.


  1. I love all of your books! And reading all the history on the blog! And the author features, I love getting recommendations from authors I like for new people to read.

  2. Hi Love your posts. I check them frequently and enjoy the details which otherwise are lost in history. Thanks!

  3. Thanks, Emily W! I'm so glad you're enjoying the books and the blogs! It means a lot to us when folks take the time to comment.

  4. Thanks, Jewel Allure! Good to know you're enjoying the historical detail. As you know, Marissa and I are fascinated by it!

  5. I love your eye for detail & the way you bring your characters to life!!

  6. Thank you, Kim! That means a lot! Appreciate you taking the time to comment!

  7. Enjoy the your posts especially the Regency ones.

  8. Thanks, Diane! Hope your writing is going well!

  9. I have been reading and loving Regencies for 40 years. Your blog has really fleshed out my understanding of the period, and improved what I already 'know" about it. Even history that I have at best a passing interest in, delivered in a blog-sized dose, becomes more interesting, as history was never my favorite subject.

    Thanks, Patricia Z

  10. I too enjoy the historical details! The amazing stories come alive when I read them!

  11. Thanks, Patricia Z! Glad the blog helps bring the Regency period to life. And thanks, Miss Monica! I love hearing that the books come to life the way I'd hoped!

  12. Hello, I enjoy the bits of history and such on this blog. Thank you for writing it.

  13. You're welcome, Daisy! Thanks for commenting!

  14. I just discovered this blog, although I have been reading and enjoying Regina's books for several years. I'd like to enter the drawing!

  15. Welcome, Jennie! Glad you discovered us! You are entered in the drawing. Thanks for commenting!

  16. I've learned so much from this blog. I consulted some of the threads before going to a house museum with reenactors interpreting 1800. I like the quick and easy bits of information. I would love to read the latest Lady Emily caper. I finally upgraded my PC and added Kindle, Nook and Adobe so I can read e-books.
    QNPoohBear, dragged reluctantly into the digital age
    p.s I LOVED The Husband Campaign! I highly recommend it to your readers.
