Friday, December 5, 2014

What Nineteenth Century Book Readers Want for Christmas

And the shopping season is upon us!  In case you have yet to make your list for your family and friends or yourself, I thought it might behoove us to look at some of the lovely things out there for aficionados of the early nineteenth century.

No writer epitomizes early nineteenth century England more than Jane Austen, so it’s no surprise to find a plethora of Austen-themed items in the offing.  Take this cute tote bag from Café Press.  And yes, I do on occasion randomly (mis)quote the great Jane. 

The Jane Austen Gift Shop in the UK is also offering a number of lovely pieces, including a tea towel that says “Keep calm and read Jane Austen.”  Watch for timing of overseas purchases to make sure they will arrive in time for your gift-giving.

Then again, if you simply want to live like Jane, you can find modern merchandise recreating the era, such as these reticules on Etsy.  

Then there are gifts for those of us who write, whether our thoughts on the day or the great American novel.  Try this fountain pen-inspired necklace, also on Etsy. 

Or perhaps a journal with that old-fashioned feel.  

Finally, for the geek in all of us, I give you the perfect glasses, with lenses that angle 90 degrees so you can read in comfort from any direction.  

Please add to the list, my dears!  What are you hoping for this Christmas?  What else should savvy readers of stories set in the nineteenth century long to receive?


  1. I love Jane Austen items(so many great ones on Etsy) even though I've yet to read one of her books. I'm slowly making my way through P&P. I will get there one day! =)

  2. Go, Leandra! I agree, Etsy has an amazing selection. Wish I had that kind of creativity! (Besides writing books :-))

  3. Great selections. I have a tote bag, a t-shirt "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not had the pleasure of a good novel must be intolerably stupid", a Jane Austen silhouette t-shirt, an Ada Lovelace t-shirt, a bluestocking t-shirt and sweatshirt and I picked up a bunch of bookmarks in England last year.

  4. I remember when you told us about the Ada Lovelace t-shirt, QNPoohBear. Love the idea of a bluestocking one!

  5. The shop has a lot of fun items, including the "My other car is a barouche" magnetic bumper sticker I crowed over here.

  6. Oh, I love that bumper sticker! Thanks, Marissa!
