Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Accessories: Part 1, Reticules

Welcome to the start of a new fashion series on NineteenTeen that will focus not on dresses and gowns (gorgeous as they are) but on the little things that complete a fashionable ensemble—hats, shoes, gloves, purses, and other accessories.

Look for lots of images rather than commentary, though I’ll try to supply original text if I have it—the point is to be able to examine multiple examples of each item. Images will be drawn from my collection of prints from British publications including Ackermann’s Repository, La Belle AssemblĂ©e, The Lady’s Magazine, Phillips’ Fashions of London and Paris, and others.

So let’s begin with reticules or, as it is sometimes spelled, "ridicules." Interestingly, I found very few images of them except in Ackermann’s plates, so all of the following are from that publication.  I'll note the plate title to give you an idea of what each reticule was being worn with; unsurprisingly, most are depicted with walking or promenade dresses, which would have been worn when shopping or doing other daytime, public occupations when it might be necessary to carry money, a notepad, and other necessities. These date from 1810 to 1814.  Enjoy!

Walking dress, May 1810:

Walking dress, June 1810:

Promenade dress, July 1810:

Walking dress, January 1811:

Promenade dress, June 1811:

Walking dress, August 1811:

 Walking dress, October 1811:

Walking dress, November 1811:

Polish Walking dress, January 1812:

Half dress, January 1812:

Walking dress, February 1812:

Walking dress, May 1812:

Morning costume, October 1812:

Morning walking dress, January 1813:

Opera dress, January 1813:

Carriage dress, April 1813:

Walking dress, June 1814:

Walking dress, October 1814:

1 comment:

  1. Those are so beautiful! I have a reticule made for me from satin scraps from my 1910s tea gown bridesmaid dress. I also have a Japanese bag that's very similar to a reticule.
