Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Young Bluestockings Attend the Cinema: "Belle" in March!

Young Bluestockings are those shocking young persons who like...to READ.  (Gasp!)  Yes, we are all of us bluestockings, and proud of it!

And sometimes, we branch out into the other arts, such as that delightful new invention known as "cinema."  (Some of us modern young creatures call it "the talkies" or even "the movies" -- for the figures on the screen do indeed talk and move!)

And sometimes, we Young Bluestockings all watch the same movie in the same month, and then come back to discuss it with our bluestocking friends here at NineteenTeen, while sipping virtual tea (or actual tea).  Well, it's that time again!   (Drumroll, please....)

Please join us one month from today, on Tuesday March 24, when we will discuss the lovely historical film "Belle"!  (It's available on DVD, Blu-Ray, instant video, and various streaming services).

An excellent time will be had by all.   

So please join us!


  1. I loved this movie and I know all you other bluestockings will too. It's not only visually stunning and romantic, it makes you think. Be sure to read Paula Byrne's companion book for more background information on the history of slavery in the British Isles and the few facts known about Dido Belle. I have yet to look at the DVD to see if there's anything extra. This group watch provides me with a good excuse to request it from the library and find out.

  2. Thanks for the tip about the companion book, QNPoohBear! I hadn't even realized there was one. I'll definitely go find it!

    And yes, I should have emphasized how interesting and unusual the story is for a costume drama. It has race, politics, romance, money, class -- as well as the most stunning costumes and scenery. And amazing performances... And it's all based on a true story (or what they know of it). This was one of my favorite movies of last year (can you tell?) :-)

  3. I have this DVD on my nightstand but have yet to match it.

    Hope to join in your discussion next month !
