Friday, May 1, 2015

May Flowers on May Day

Happy May Day!  Though not a holiday much celebrated in either England or America in the nineteenth century, there were still those hardy souls who clung to the old ways and picked flowers, danced around the May Pole, and handed bouquets to friends and family on May 1.  So, dear friends, here are some flowers I “picked” just for you, courtesy of Hampton Court gardens in England:

And I couldn't resist throwing in this fellow for good measure.

May your May Day be merry!


  1. Regina, May Day is a Big Deal at my college--we have an annual May Day celebration including 5 full-sized Maypoles for dancing around.

    And that dude at the end is totally Spiny Norman.

  2. How fun, Marissa! I spent part of the day pruning flowers--does that count as a celebration? :-)

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