Friday, May 29, 2015


Today, across social media, authors are sharing why they write historical romance. We’re inviting readers to do the same for why they read historical romance. If you search for the hashtag #WhyIWriteHistoricals or #WhyIReadHistoricals, you can find their stories. Here’s mine.

I write historical romances because I find history romantic. Long dresses, men with shining swords, times when a kiss on the hand and a look across a room meant everything. Candlelit dinners (candlelit anything!), carriage rides, dancing the night away--what’s not to love?

I write historical romances because I find history surprising. Someone tried to rescue Napoleon with a submarine. Horses in pioneer Seattle didn’t need horseshoes because there were no paved roads. A Regency-era corset was custom-made and didn’t make breathing difficult. I love learning things I never knew!

I write historical romances because I find history inspiring. Thousands of men gave their lives to defeat the tyranny of a man determined to conquer Europe and England. Women stood up for their rights to vote so that I can vote today. America’s ancestors crossed oceans and continents to make new lives for themselves. What am I willing to do for what I believe?

I write historical romances because I love them. I love the stories, and I love the history. What about you?

*Thanks to Eileen Richards and Jessica Jefferson for the graphics.

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