Friday, August 7, 2015

What Would You Be if You Could? Comment to Win

My heroine in Frontier Engagement has a secret she must keep for fear of reprisal. But there comes a time when she feels she should begin to confess to my hero James Wallin, when they’re stranded together in the wilderness. She starts by telling him that she never set out to be a teacher, for all that’s her profession now.

James: So what did you intend to do if not teach?  Marry some wealthy society fellow?

Rina: No.  I thought I’d rule a nation.

James: Really? Which one?  Because I personally have always felt Canada should be conquered.

So, what would you be if you could be anything you wanted? Astronaut? Baker? Circus performer? Something no one else would dream?

Tell me in the comments, and you will be entered in a drawing for a free, autographed copy of Frontier Engagement (or one of the other books in my author stash if you’ve already purchased it).  I will announce the winner next Friday.

And me? Why, I’ve always wanted to be a writer!


  1. I would want to be a fairytale princess. I have no desire to be an actual princess but I love fairy tales. I have thought of getting a job as a princess at Disney or another place of that sort.

  2. Now, that's a cool thing to be, Daisy. I think if I were one, though, I'd want to go straight to the happily ever after part, and skip the suffering under an evil witch/cruel uncle/maniacal underling part. :-)

  3. Daisy you can make a fortune portraying Elsa or Anna from Frozen. Princess Anna came to my niece's birthday party last year and was a huge (expensive) hit. She came from Isabelle's Princess Parties. My sister (the mom) insists Anna WAS the real Anna.

    Elsa came to the public library, sang for 5 minutes and then posed for pictures with a mob of excited toddlers. I'm sure she was well compensated.

    I'm not a princess person. I wanted to be a teacher like Laura Ingalls, a writer like Laura, Jo March and Anne Shirley, but now I'd be happiest if I was independently wealthy enough to pursue historical research and archival work for free/not much money.

  4. Oh, QNPoohBear, I know a number of writers who would be right there with you. Lovely, lovely research! I have a chance to go through the records for Fort Nisqually here, but I keep holding off because I'm sure I will just happily run down the rabbit hole. :-)

  5. I love Rina's answer!
    I wanted to be a teacher from about age six, and did it for more than twenty years. Then I decided to become a writer, and I'm still enjoying it. No regrets in either profession.

  6. How awesome is that, Lynn! To have worked in two dream jobs and enjoyed them both. Good for you!

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