Friday, September 18, 2015

What We Want for Our Birthday—Your Comments!

Wow, where did the time go? This month Marissa and I begin our ninth year blogging at Nineteen Teen. Happy birthday to us! And thank you for your comments, your subscriptions, and your suggestions, encouragement, and commiserations. May we have more of the same?

In short, this is your chance to tell us what you like.

What would you like to see more of in the coming year? More posts on historical tidbits we uncover? More insights into the life of a writer who sometimes dabbles in the nineteenth century? More pictures of Marissa’s bunnies? Regina’s beloved sailing ships?

Shall we watch another movie together? Read another book? Which ones?

What guest authors would you like to have visit? (Yes, we tried for Marion Chesney. Alas, she was too busy to respond. L)

At the very least, stop by, have a slice of virtual cake and punch (ours is much better than ratafia, we promise!), and wish us happy birthday as we hop (or sail) into a new blog year.

Happy birthday, Nineteen Teen!


  1. More bunnies is already good!

    I personally love historical tidbits.

  2. Thanks, Liviania! Appreciate the input, and nice to see you again!

  3. Happy birthday! I enjoy the historical tidbits, and the travel posts were fun, too. And of course, I'll want to know about any new books you release. :-)

  4. Thanks, Lynn! Always appreciate your comments.
