Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Historical Shenanigans

I’ve been lucky to run across some excellent historically interesting and awesome bits and pieces on-line in the past few weeks, and thought you might enjoy them. Are you ready?

1. So you know we’re sort of historic dress nerds here at NineteenTeen, and have furthermore enjoyed our share of 19th century-set movies. But the blog Frock Flicks takes things to a whole new (and fascinating) level. From their “About Us” page: Ever watch an adaption of Pride and Prejudice and think “Austen totally wouldn’t recognize what Lizzie is wearing”? Have you cringed at zippers in the backs of medieval gowns on film? Do you laugh at the latest costume drama’s idea of hoop skirts being appropriate for the 1880s? Then you’re a Frock Flicker! Tune in to our podcasts where we rip into Hollywood’s attempt at historical costuming and talk about exactly why they’re not accurate to the eras. But we’re not just dissers — we’ll also look at costume movies we love and tell you why they’re fabulous, beautiful, fascinating films.

I adored FF’s erudite, extensive, and all-round excellent examination of the costuming in the 1995 version (really, is there any other?) of Pride and Prejudice, which includes how designer Dinah Collin went about using costume to help establish character. Fascinating reading!

2. Please don’t throw rocks at me, because I’m about to make a dreadful confession: I am not a fan of Downton Abbey. I tried to give it a fair shake, I really did—I watched all of the first two seasons, and while I did adore the costumes and setting and thought the casting and acting were very good, the extreme soap-operatic quality of the writing just left me cold. However, I could totally get into Downton Wars.

Yes, Downton Wars. It seems that the actor who place the handsome antagonist Thomas, Rob-James Collier, agreed to raise £10,000 for the Chilterns MS Centre...and with plenty of time between takes, the help of his fellow actors and actresses, and his trusty i-phone, he created Downton Wars, part one: The Phantom Valet:


If he met his fundraising goal, he would release Downton Wars, part two: The Evil Butler Strikes Back. Needless to say, he more than exceeded his goal...

All I can say is, if Downton Abbey had been this good, I might today be a fan! Incidentally, Mr. Collier is still taking donations for the Chiltern MS Centre at www.evilbutler.com Maybe he’s not so evil after all...


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