Friday, March 11, 2016

Five Pinterest Pages You Might Want to Follow

Okay, I admit it. When someone first mentioned Pinterest I rolled my eyes and thought, “Oh, swell—another social media site I’m supposed to join.” I have dragged my feet for years and finally decided that 2016 would be the moment Regina Scott set up her own Pinterest page. After all, I slog through Facebook and hide under the radar on Goodreads. How hard could adding one more task be?

As it turns out, not hard at all. In fact, I love it!

I am not the most social person (introvert, anyone?), and I find Facebook a little like attending a party with the cool kids, where I’m stuck in the corner. But Pinterest involves looking at pretty pictures and telling other people how pretty their pictures are. Even an introvert like me can handle that!

Even if you never pin a single picture, you might want to join just so you can see what others are posting. For a historical writer or reader, it’s an absolute treasure trove! Here are five pinners you may want to check out:

The Beau Monde. Romance Writers of America’s Regency special interest chapter has pinned information on historical romance novels, research, and special reports (including a collection on Georgette Heyer’s works). Plus they’re just some of the coolest ladies out there. Just saying. 

Regency Regalia. Though the company makes authentic reproduction clothing and accessories from the Regency era, the boards they build on Pinterest include thousands of original pieces of art and photographs detailing period wear. What a resource! 

The Victoria and Albert Museum. This is one of the best museums in England, and the curators have made available more than 3,000 pictures of various artifacts and exhibits. It’s the next best thing to going there! 

Sydney Paulsen’s Fort Nisqually Board. Fort Nisqually, located in Point Defiance Park, is one of my favorite places for inspiration when writing my Frontier Bachelor series, in large part because of the incredibly talented re-enactors who make the past come alive. This board of Sydney’s covers the 1850s and 1860s. 

Tall Ship Lady Washington. Ah, you know my fondness for our state’s tall ship. She is a lady of the first order. See some of the places she’s gone and the wonderful memories folks have made on her. 

And of course, you can always follow my boards to see inspiration for various books, book covers, my own growing cache of tall ship pictures, and more.

Are you on Pinterest? What historical boards have you found to love?


  1. I'm on Pinterest (QNPoohBear for my personal fun history boards and TheTimeTreasurer for my professional portfolio. I follow a lot of history boards like Jane Austen's World, KittyCalash, Mary Robinette Kowal and many others. I know Sydney from another board and didn't know she had a Pinterest board of her fort photos. She's grown up reenacting there and her pictures are always fun to see. I will be sure to follow you now. I hate Facebook and Twitter and only use them for professional promotion but Pinterest is so much fun.

  2. Lovely! I will be sure to follow you, QNPoohBear. I tolerate Facebook, and I could never convince myself to try Twitter. But you're right--I enjoy Pinterest so much more!
