Friday, May 6, 2016

Love and Larceny Launches!

I’m delighted to announce that Love and Larceny, Book 5 in the Lady Emily Capers, is now out as an e-book. This story follows Daphne Courdebas, the last of our intrepid friends, alas, to find a beau.

But even an Amazon can fall hard.

Daphne Courdebas is known for her daring. So when her former teacher now countess Lady Brentfield asks her, her sister Ariadne, and their friends Lady Emily Southwell and Priscilla Tate to return to Brentfield Manor to investigate things that go bump in the night, Daphne is ready. But once again, things are not as they seem at Brentfield, especially when it comes to Daphne’s new friend, Wynn Fairfax. Wynn is determined to prove himself to the lovely Amazon. What’s a lady known for saving the day to do when she finds her own heart in jeopardy?

Here’s a snippet:

Daphne climbed into the secret passage beside Wynn. “Which way tonight?”
He seemed surprised to see her, which was silly given the fact that he had come to find her. Who else did he think would answer his knock?
“Daphne,” he said, tone somber, “I didn’t come to explore. I have something I must say to you.”
“Can you say it while we walk?” she asked, pushing past him. “I have a terrible urge to move.” She lifted her skirts to clamber up the steps to the main passage.
Immediately, the darkness closed around her, and she realized Wynn and his candle had remained behind. Glancing back at the glow below, she called, “Wynn? Is something wrong?”
“No.” She could hear the sigh in his voice. The space brightened as he climbed up to join her.
“I can refuse you nothing,” he said, and for once he didn’t sound all that pleased about the matter.
“That’s because you’re a good friend,” she assured him, reaching out to take the candle from his grip. “Perhaps we should remain here in the west wing, as that is where Emily is concentrating her efforts.”
“Indeed,” he said, still with that defeated tone. “Lead the way. You can count on me to follow. That seems to be my role.”
Daphne frowned at him, then held out the candle. “Do you want to go first? You can have the light.”
“No,” he said. “I need to find the light inside me.”
Daphne shook her head. “You’re in an odd humor tonight. Perhaps we’ve stayed up too late. I’ll try to get you back by a reasonable hour.”
“I’m no invalid,” he snapped.
“Well, certainly not.” She turned and raised the candle high so they could both see their way. “But everyone needs a good night sleep now and then. You can’t expect to be at your best if your brain is muddled.”
“There isn’t anything wrong with my brain either,” he said behind her. “What I seem to lack is conviction.”
“About what?” she asked, remembering to lower her voice. They were passing over her mother’s room, and she doubted she could be convincing as a dream two nights in a row. Then she felt Wynn’s hand on her shoulder, pulling her to a stop.
“The only place I lack conviction is about you, Daphne.”
Balancing carefully, she turned to face him. “About me?”
In the candlelight, she could see that his dark brows were down, those sea-green eyes intent on her face. Indeed, every part of him seemed tense, as if he were about to jump a fence or shoot a bow.
“Daphne,” he said, “there is so much I want to tell you, but I know how difficult it can be for you to stand still and listen. Perhaps it’s better if I show you.”
He pulled her close and kissed her.
Once again her world exploded, and she found herself trembling with the sheer wonder of it. The sweet pressure of his lips, his arm stealing about her waist, made her head spin in the most delightful way. Was this how all young ladies felt when they were in love?
Wait. She wasn’t in love. This was Wynn.
She broke from his embrace and shoved him away from her. “What are you doing?!”
He teetered on the beam, off balance and leaning hard on his bad leg. As she watched, horror dawning, he toppled to one side and crashed through the plaster to disappear into the darkness below.

When the daring Daphne first appeared in A Dangerous Dalliance, the original version of Secrets and Sensibilities, I knew I wanted to tell her story someday. It’s taken years (a lot of years!) to finally have the opportunity. I hope you’ll agree her story was worth waiting for.

Find it at



  1. I hope the library gets this. I'll have to recommend it for them to purchase. It sounds fun. I always enjoy your Regency novels.

  2. Thanks, QNPoohBear! I'm glad to hear your library listens to patron recommendations. Sometimes rules hamper that. But where would we be without our wonderful libraries!
