Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Newer Additions to my Collection: 1812

It’s been a while since I started doing (and finished up) regular Fashion Forecasts here...and one corollary of that is that I’ve since acquired a lot more prints for any given year. Since the last time we looked at fashions in the year 1812 was back in 2010, I thought I’d post some more prints from my collection...because, eye candy.

All prints are from Ackermann’s Repository, many with the original descriptions. Enjoy!

First, a Walking Dress for February of what looks like muslin topped with a short hooded cloak of taupe and crimson, and what looks almost like a cloche hat lined with crimson matching the mantle. Note the cute little purple reticule and what looks like gauntlet-length gloves ofYork tan.

Also probably of muslin is March’s Indoor Morning Dress, which looks almost as if it were made jumper-style. It’s a little hard to discern what’s going on with the neckline—is that a tucker of pink fabric or a fichu? The cap of lace and matching pink ribbon is adorable, though.

Pink seems to have been a fashionable color this spring, as it now appears in a Ball Dress for April. Love the bobble fringe at hem and bodice, the faux lacing in the bodice, the lace shawl, and the Phrygian cap-style hat complete with tassels.

June brings a Promenade or Walking Dress, consisting of “A round robe of jaconot or fine cambric muslin, with long sleeve and high waist, with fan ruff of lace, ornamented up the front with borders of needle-work or lace, and finished at the feet with ball fringe. A Spanish hussar cloak of deep amber sarsnet, lined with sea green or white, an trimmed with broad thread lace, put on very full. Hair disposed in bands and waved curls; a large square veil of white lace, thrown over the head and shading the face. Half-boots amber-coloured kid, and gloves a pale primrose. Small French caps of lace, ornamented with a small cluster of spring flowers, on one side, are often seen in this style of costume, and have an appropriate and pretty effect beneath the long veil.”

Also from June is this Morning or Domestic Costume, “A plain muslin or cambric round robe, trimmed round the throat with net lace, or rolls of muslin. A loose Circassian pelisse of cerulean blue sarsnet, with low curved bosom; epaulet and cuffs of antique lace, and the skirt trimmed entirely round with a fancy floss fringe or gimp, and confined at the bottom of the waist with a ribbon, tied with short bows and ends in front. A foundling mob cap, composed of lace, and ribbon the colour of the pelisse. A small sprig of geranium placed in the hair on the left side. Spanish slippers of cerulean blue kid, and gloves of a lemon colour or pale tan. Prevailing colours are, primrose, lilac, or blossom colour, and pale pink.”

Ooh, pretty! I love this Evening Dress from July, of what might be a print or embroidered muslin, with perhaps a shot sarsnet wrap and every elegant classical hair worn with flowers.

Another Evening Dress, this time from August, consists of “A white crape robe, with short Circassian sleeves and demi-high waist, with full frills of lace—the robe worn over a white satin slip. Epaulets of variegated gold ball-fringe, ornamented at the feet, and bottom of the waist to correspond. A Moorish turban of Indian gold muslin, with a cluster of flowers on the left side. Necklace, ear-rings, and bracelets of brilliants., pearl, or sapphire set in gold. Gloves of white French kid below the elbow. Slippers of white satin, with gold rosettes and fringe. Occasional scarfs of white lace.”

A Promenade Costume also for August, is “A plain jaconot or imperial cambric muslin round dress, formed high in the neck, and trimmed round the bottom, up the front, collar, and sleeves, with full borders of plaited muslin. A white satin hussar cloak, ornamented with deep capes and antique floss trimming and tassels. A Lavinia hat of fine moss straw—a small cap of lace beneath, ornamented on one side with a small bunch of flowers, and tied with cerulean blue ribband on the other. A rosary cross and bracelets of the coquille nut. Boots, or Roman shoes, of blue kid. Gloves a lemon colour; and parasol of correspondent shot sarsnet, with deep ball-fringe awning.”

September’s Walking Dress is “A Parisian wrapping dress of plain jaconot muslin, or fine cambric, trimmed on each side, round the neck and wrists, with double borders of fine mull muslin. The sleeves very full, confined at the wrist with gold bracelets and drop snap. A Wellington hat, composed of blended straw and white satin; confined under the chin with white ribbon, and decorated with a wreath of flowers round the crown. A small lace cap beneath, with a flower on the right side. A small pelerine of blue satin, trimmed with broad black lace. A long sash, or bracer, of blue-figured ribbon, passed over the shoulders, and tied in front of the waist. Roman shoe of buff-coloured kid or jean—gloves the same colour. Parasol of blue shot silk, with deep Chinese fringe.”

A surprisingly contemporary look in this Promenade Dress from October: “A plain muslin robe, finished at the bottom with a border of needle-work, long full sleeves, and formed high in the neck, with simple collar, confined in the center of the throat with a topaz broach, and buttoned down the bosom; an amber-coloured sash, tied in irregular bows and ends in front of the figure. A rosary and cross of the coquille nut. A lappelled cloak, of bright amber or yellow crape, faced with satin, and edged with fluted ribband of the same colour. A Wellington hat of straw, trimmed with white ribband. Gloves and shoes of yellow kid.”

Here’s a Morning Costume for October, featuring a plain muslin dress topped with a spencer of somewhat military aspect (the frogging up the front and sleeves)...but the martial air is somewhat compromised by the full, fluffy frill at the neck. A lacy cap and purple reticule complete the look.

Oh, my. Check out this slinky blue Parisian Opera Dress, strikingly unadorned except for the fur trim! A matching hat with equally fluffy feather trim tops matters off. Très chic for November (and hey, wasn’t England at war with France? Amazing how many of these plates refer to French fashions...)

We’re back to pink in this Evening Dress for December, with rosy ribbons trimming the bodice along with some sort of ecru or brown lace which also recurs at the sides near hip-level and around the hem.) And what a gorgeous shawl!

Which was your favorite piece of eye candy? ☺

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