Friday, March 23, 2018

That's Ruff

I was searching for inspiration for this week’s post and ran across something interesting. Marissa’s wonderful fashion prints have given us insight into various styles and accessories during the early nineteenth century. But a quick perusal of portraits during the same time showed me one particular style that endured across territorial boundaries and fashion.

The ruff.

Now, I will admit that I often think of ruffs—that gathered material around the neck of the gown which frames the face—as something dating from the 1600s instead of the 1800s. I had seen ruffs in nineteenth century fashion plates, of course, but once I started looking, they were everywhere!

Some had large pleats and took up all of the neckline of the gown, like the one above. Others were more like a lace collar, soft and fluttery, like the one below.

Some appeared to be made of lace.

Others more like eyelet fabric.

And still others almost looked like feathers.

Some were quite sheer.

 Others more solid.

A few were austere.

And some were rather fanciful.

What about you? Would you wear one of these creations? I’m interested in trying!


  1. This is super cool. I think of Queen Elizabeth and her noblemen in ruffs - this is much relatable. I am looking forward to Regina sporting one at a suitable social outing.

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  4. If that last painting isn't of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, I'll eat my ruff! ;)

  5. Remember when we watched Bright Star? Fanny made herself a huge ruff! It's not my style but for an older lady, it would hide her neck and make her look for youthful!

  6. Meryl, I am planning my ruff as we speak. Marissa--ha! She certainly could be. I'd forgotten about Bright Star, QNPoohBear--thanks for the reminder. Loved the costumes in that. And yes, ruffs can hide a wealth of issues, which is why I think Marissa's "Lady Catherine" has layers of them. :-)
