Friday, April 20, 2018

Regina Scott the Regency

I’m baaaack.

Back in the Regency, that is. For nearly 2 years, all my new releases have focused on frontier Seattle. While I loved getting to delve into local history, and there are more stories calling, I have missed my beloved Regency England. That’s why I’m over the moon delighted to let you know that the first book in my new Regency-set series, Fortune’s Brides, is up for preorder now and will release May 18.

After spending the last ten years following her late husband on campaign, the irrepressible Jane Kimball finds herself badly in need of a position to support herself. Marriage holds no appeal; she’s not likely to find a husband like her Jimmy again. But when Miss Thorn of the Fortune Employment Agency offers her a post with the Duke of Wey, Jane feels drawn to help the lonely widower with his three daughters. He may seem a bit aloof, but Miss Thorn’s cat Fortune approved of him. Why should Jane doubt a duke?

Alaric, Duke of Wey, commands his staff, his tenants, and the halls of Parliament, managing vast holdings in England and across the seas. Why is it he cannot manage his own daughters? As an old danger rears its head, he comes to rely on Jane’s practical nature, her outspoken ways to navigate the waters of fatherhood. And when necessity dictates he take a wife, thoughts turn to an unlikely governess who might make the perfect bride.

You can preorder at fine online establishments:

In honor of this new release, I’m running a cover reveal Rafflecopter giveaway through April 28. Enter to win an e-book copy of all five of the stories in my Uncommon Courtships series. 

Regardless, The Unflappable Miss Fairchild, the first in that series is free on all online retailers through April 28. 

It’s good to be back.


  1. So glad you're back in the Regency period and so happy my family gave me gift cards to Amazon and B&N for my birthday!

  2. Thanks, QNPoohBear! I'm honored you'd consider using your gift cards on one of my books!

  3. Very glad you are back in The Era. A series is always good to follow. However, are the books going to be available in hard copy? I do not read ebooks much, mostly because I work all day on a computer proof reading and my eyes are not happy as a result. I have a little computer time at home, but the eyes are very annoyed if I stay long. I don't know how many books I have not been able to read because there is not hard copy available.

  4. Thank you, Veedham! I know what you mean about print books. I find them easier reading too after a day at the computer.

    I am currently working on getting the Fortune's Brides books into print as they come out. This is new territory for me, so they may not come out concurrently with the e-book, but I'm hoping within a month or two. I'll be sure to announce when they are ready. :-) They should be available at Amazon at a minimum and available to order from local booksellers. At least, that's the plan!
