Friday, August 10, 2018

Worth a Drum Roll: New Publisher!

[No guesses on where Marissa has gone? You know you want to try. Come on! It sounds very cold, but is very cool! 😊]

Many of you know that, since my beloved Love Inspired line closed, I have been on the hunt for a new publisher. I will continue to publish the Fortune’s Brides series largely on my own, with a novella coming out in October and the next full-length book, Never Vie for a Viscount, coming in November.

I am also delighted and excited to report that I have accepted a three-book deal with Revell!

Now, publishers often seem less well known than the authors they publish. You might recognize such names as Irene Hannon, Amanda Cabot, Lynette Eason, and Jan Drexler. (If you haven’t heard of Rachel Fordham yet, you will!) 

You might also recognize some of their beautiful covers.

My books will be historical romances set around the early days of our national parks (late 1800s). The first features a determined young lady photographer who wrangles a spot on a Corps of Engineers survey of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in 1871, only to discover the leader of the expedition is the love she once left behind. A Scenic Beauty (title tentative) is scheduled for publication in October 2019.

I haven’t decided on the other two parks to be featured, though I am leaning toward Yellowstone and my own Mt. Rainier.

Any suggestions? 


  1. Congrats, Regina! Revell's covers are always beautiful, so they should be a good fit for your series! ;-)

    P.S. I'm guessing Iceland.

  2. Congratulations! The only National Park I know well is the one I work in and it's one of the newest so that doesn't help. I would like to read about the Buffalo Soldiers who worked as the first park rangers.

    I DO know where Marissa has gone, I don't want to spoil it for others. My brother and sister-in-law loved it there so much they came home from living there for a year pregnant with my niece. Her name comes from that country. Niece is a bluestocking in training so perhaps one day she
