Friday, September 14, 2018

Happy Birthday to Us!

Yes, well, here we are again, dear readers. Nineteen Teen is another year older. Eleven years, to be exact. And we have passed the 1,000 mark when it comes to number of posts. My word!

As we often do this time of year, we’d like your thoughts. 

What would you like more of? 

What would you like less of? 

What facts about nineteenth century life are you itching to explore? 

What aspects of being an author intrigue you?

Come on! Don’t be shy! Wish us happy birthday and let us know how we can give you presents in the coming year.


  1. Happy Birthday NineteenTeen! Keep up the great posting! I have a book recommendation for the Young Bluestockings Book Club: Murder, Magic and What We Wore by Kelly Jones. It has a spunky Regency heroine longing to be a spy, her bluestocking aunt, a loyal maid, intrigue and magic. Not to mention fashion- of a sort.

  2. Good suggestion, QNPoohBear! I have that book in my TBR pile. Did you see the list of "Easter eggs" at the back? La Petite Four (now Art and Artifice) is among them. :-)

  3. Yes I did see the list and recognized Lady Emily! I've read most of the books on that list so it was fun to see beloved characters meet a new one. The major problem with Murder, Magic and What We Wore is that there is not a sequel! (yet...?)

  4. I found another book series to read with NineteenTween Bluestockings. The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency features young Mary Godwin (Shelley) and Ada Byron (Lovelace) teaming up to solve crimes with assistance from a mysterious boy named Charles who works in a boot polish factory pasting labels on the bottles (I wonder who the dickens he could be?!) as well as their step/half sisters and other notables of the day. The timeline is seriously fudged on purpose to make them all contemporaries but bluestockings will enjoy seeing our favorite bluestockings come to life on the page. I loved the first one and have to get copies for the young bluestockings in my life. The very youngest bluestockings are not left out either. I recommend the Cozy Classics board book series by Jack and Holman Wang.

  5. Oh, interesting! I will have to check that out. Thank you, QNPoohBear!
