Friday, August 9, 2019

Pretty Pictures, and a Boxed Set

Life happened this week, so forgive the brevity of this blog post. However, I wanted to share a few more photos from Marissa’s and my trip to New York and the lovely Beau Monde conference. As we have shared in the past, the evening of the conference the chapter hosts a soiree, with dancing. Many members come in Regency gowns.

First up, Beau Monde royalty: starting at the noon position and moving clockwise, Ella Quinn, Kelly Neville, former chapter president Louisa Cornell, Elizabeth Essex, and former president chapter Callie Hutton. If you look closely over Callie’s shoulder, you’ll see Marissa deep in conversation, shortly before she won the Reader’s Choice Award.

Next up, the cream of Beau Monde society, from left to right: Rebecca Connolly, Elena Greene, and Gail Eastwood, amazing authors all!

And here are Elena and Gail again, showing their lovely gowns and accessories.

I was not so nearly well dressed, alas. However, I am delighted to report that I have embarked upon my first boxed set (e-books). Lady Emily Southwell and her three friends, Priscilla Tate and Daphne and Ariadne Courdebas, are determined that someday the world will speak in reverent tones of the year they made their debuts in London Society. But first they have to survive a dangerous dalliance between their beloved art teacher and an unconventional earl and determine whether Emily’s longtime betrothed has something up his arm besides a nicely muscled sleeve. Along the way, Emily might form a perilous passion for a most unlikely suitor.
The set includes two full-length novels: Secrets and Sensibilities and Art and Artifice, plus the short story “Master Thief,” never before available in e-book format. You can find it at fine online retailers such as


  1. I was 19
    just 3.7 years past my head injury...

  2. What fun! I've met Gail and she's lovely.

  3. So glad you had a chance to meet Gail, QNPoohBear. She's a treasure!
