Friday, January 31, 2020

Nibbling Our Way Down New Bond Street

We’ve talked about the center of London shopping in the early nineteenth century before, for example here and here. Bond Street called to young ladies and gentlemen, offering the latest and finest in everything from clothing to housewares and literature. It was also the home of Gentleman Jackson’s boxing emporium and Angelo’s fencing school. But recently I became aware that Bond Street also featured any number eateries, and some of their wares sound downright yummy.

Take Barker’s Repository of Confectionery, at No. 106. They provided “sweets from the Indies” according to The Epicure’s Almanack, a guide to eating and dining from the period. I have been trying in vain to determine what these might have entailed, with little luck. Perhaps rum cake, cookies with coconut, and pastries with mango. Regardless, the shop was said to be popular with the ladies, as the proprietor gave out samples. The shop also supplied sweets to the Royal Family.

Then there’s Owen and Bentley’s Fruit Shop, near the corner of Oxford and New Bond Street. The shop was said to boast every sort of fruit grown in Britain as well as items imported from around the world. It also sold jellies, ices, and liqueurs.


Henster and Company, a littler farther down, displayed all sorts of fish, including sturgeon, trout, and carp. I love their title. It simply rolls off the tongue: Fishmongers to His Majesty and the Royal Family.

Lambe’s, also suppliers to the Royal Family (do you sense a theme, here?), had a large warehouse of bottled spa and mineral water. I had no idea this could be purchased away from the spas.

I must notify the Spa Corporation in Grace-by-the-Sea. Perhaps they can broker a deal.

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