Friday, April 10, 2020

A Simply Wondrous Cover Reveal (and a free read too!)

Last year I related how thrilled I was with the publisher of my American Wonders Collection, Revell, for creating the amazing cover for the first book in the collection, A Distance Too Grand. I truly didn’t know how the super-talented Art Department was going to top it.

But when you have the thermal features of Yellowstone National Park as your backdrop, lightning really can strike twice.

Without further ado, I give you the cover for Nothing Short of Wondrous, set in Yellowstone in 1886.

As before, the model’s dress was borrowed from a museum and comes from the right time period. Her hairstyle was patterned after a picture in a ladies’ magazine from that time. Kate, my heroine, is a hotel owner in the park, but she sees it as her job to protect the wonders of Yellowstone from any who might despoil it. The Art Director and I debated how we would indicate her role on the cover. Rifle in her arms? Guidebook in her hand? The Art Department opted for a felt hat reminiscent of the early park rangers. I couldn’t be more pleased.

We also debated which amazing feature to include on the cover. Old Faithful? Yellowstone Falls? Neither plays a particularly large part in the story (in fact, none of the characters even reaches the Falls). The artist wisely chose one of the hot pools in the Lower Geyser Basin, where Kate has her hotel. Delightful!

Nothing Short of Wondrous will be out October 20, but the hard cover and paperback are available for preorder, and I expect the e-book to be not far behind.

Indie Bound (an independent bookstore near you) 
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Looking for something to tide you over until then? I have put up a free online read in the Everard Legacy series, set between The Captain’s Courtship and The Rake’s Reform: “Lady Everard’s Easter.”

Speaking of which—Happy Easter!

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