Friday, October 2, 2020

Calling All Regency Writers!

If you are an author or hoping to be an author of stories set during the early nineteenth century, rejoice! October 1 saw the birth of a new writer’s organization. Regency Fiction Writers advances the professional interests of writers of the extended Regency period of England (1780 to 1840) through inclusion, networking, advocacy, and education. The international non-profit welcomes writers of all types of fiction set during the period we all love. Marissa and I are founding members.

Below is information from the press release, used with permission.

“The Regency period is a perennial favorite among readers,” said Vanessa Riley, critically acclaimed author of more than 20 novels set during that time. “It has spawned hundreds of bestselling books and dozens of popular movies.” Riley is President-Elect of the new group and will take the reins in January 2021.

“Our authors write award-winning stories that cross genres,” added Ann Chaney, 2020 President. “History, mystery, romance, and speculative fiction, among others. It’s a rich heritage.”

Between October 1 and December 31, first year dues are $25, rising to $50 plus a processing fee in 2021. For that fee, writers of any race, creed, religion, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, or ability can network with their peers around the globe through online forums. They can also learn from monthly programs on history, marketing, and industry insights and gain additional visibility for their books through active online properties and marketing initiatives.

Regency Fiction Writers is an outgrowth of the Beau Monde Chapter of Romance Writers of America®. The chapter recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Chapter members voted to leave Romance Writers of America in part because they hoped to expand beyond the boundaries of the romance genre.

For more information on the new organization and to join, see the website

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