Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A Picture’s Worth a Thousand…Insults?

The Ladies of Almack’s are back again with a sojourn into the art world with The Cursed Canvases.

In this installment, the Lady Patronesses are trying to discover who is vandalizing the pictures at this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, in the process uncovering a scandalous personal vendetta dating back nearly twenty years. Meanwhile, Annabel gains a very eligible suitor in Lord Glenrick, brother of one of her fellow Lady Patronesses and son and heir of the Duke of Carrick—but she’s not quite sure he’s the suitor she’d prefer.

Researching this story was a lot of fun. Ackermann’s Repository always devoted many pages to reviews of several of the works in each year’s exhibition, and at times they could only be described as exquisitely supercilious (or, dare I say it, downright bitchy.) But this gave me a good handle for the type of subjects that were painted and how pictures were named, and I’m rather pleased with the result. Also, the relationship between Annabel and Lord Quinceton is beginning to reach an interesting place…

The Cursed Canvases can be purchased directly from the publisher, Book View Café, in both EPUB and MOBI formats as well as from all the usual online bookstore outlets. Print versions can be found at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Book View Cafe

Barnes and Noble





Happy reading!

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