Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Happy Birthday, Nineteen Teen!

Happy birthday! Marissa and I always look at each other in amazement this time of year. We started blogging together in September 2007, meaning that Nineteen Teen just turned 15! My word!

And there have been a lot of words. We have posted more than 1,300 times on aspects of our writing, our research, and our lives. We’ve posted about a lot of books, too. When we started, we were awaiting the publication of our first YA novels, Bewitching Season from Marissa and La Petite Four (revised and retitled Art and Artifice) for me. Now we both have many more books under our belts, both YA and adult.

We’ve also branched out. Marissa’s latest series, The Ladies of Almacks, is a delightful set of reads that seamlessly blend humor, mystery, romance, and fantasy elements. I’m finishing my Regency-set romantic steampunk adventure series with the incomparable Shelley Adina, The Regent’s Devices.

Along the way, we’ve had our share of wonderful and not so wonderful covers. I don’t know if I will ever get over the pink prom dress on the cover of the original La Petite Four, but I fell in love with the cover for A Distance Too Grand, particularly after my publisher purchased an antique camera for the photo shoot. And I cannot help but adore Marissa’s covers.

One thing that has remained the same is our delight in having you join us on the journey. Thank you for reading the blog so faithfully and commenting when you can. As always this time of year, we’d love to hear your thoughts. What would you like more of? What else can we share with you?

Here’s to another year of Nineteen Teen!


  1. Congratulations!

    Not about content so much, but I would like to see the links posted on some of your FB sites. I never see them there.

    As far as content goes, I'd like to to revisit some of your older or oldest posts. Comment on what you think differently or what you would add or something like that.

  2. What a lovely celebration cake! Congratulations and Happy Birthday! It is always so fun to see the covers as they come out. And what a fun bit about the camera.

  3. Thank you, Kathleen! I'm glad you enjoy the covers. It's always fun for Marissa and I to see our covers too, and to share them with you!

  4. Wow 15! Congratulations and thanks for all the great information and enjoyable novels over the years.

  5. Thank, QNPoohBear! We are very thankful for our readers, especially those like you who have stayed with us through the years.
