Tuesday, January 17, 2023

So I Did a Thing...

Some of you may have seen the fun I’m having with creating silly Regency memes from my collection of Ackermann's Repository and La Belle Assemblée fashion plates—a new one goes up every few days on my Facebook and Instagram pages.

But I couldn’t stop with posting them on social media. That, dear readers, would be much too simple.

So I did this:

The magnets happened for a couple of book-signings I did last summer. The calendars were a brainstorm on December 27 after someone showed me the customizable calendars that could be made at Snapfish, and I just couldn’t stop myself. I mean, doesn’t everyone need a calendar with sassy Regency memes that also tells them when Sally Jersey’s birthday is and on what day Pride and Prejudice was first published?

I’ve given several to friends, but the question is…should I make these more widely available? Would NineteenTeen readers or fans of The Ladies of Almack’s series (either books or memes) buy them? I’m afraid I would have to keep this for US purchasers only; the time (filling out customs forms) and expense of mailing them outside the US would be prohibitive. But if these appeal to you, leave me a comment and I’ll figure out what’s next.

And in the meanwhile…Sassy New Year!

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