Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Attending the Revolution, in Sequim

Washington State wasn’t even a glimmer in its namesake’s eye when Americans revolted against Britain. So, it surprised me to learn that the town of Sequim, Washington (one of my favorite places ever!), hosts a reenactment every summer (cancelled during COVID, of course). It has long been on my bucket list to attend, so I was delighted when the event returned this year. My mother, who is a card-carrying member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, joined me on the excursion. She’s as much a history buff (and lover of romances set in the nineteenth century) as I am.

The Colonial Festival is held on the grounds of the George Washington Inn, a gorgeous faux Georgian manor and bread and breakfast set on a cliff overlooking the Straits of Juan de Fuca. 

Dozens of reenactors as well as members of the local chapters of the Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution host booths, and the reenactors have both British and American encampments. They also stage a skirmish with musket and cannons.

We couldn’t have asked for a lovelier day in terms of both weather and company. Here are a few more shots.

If you’re ever in Sequim in August, be sure to join the revolution! 

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