Monday, September 4, 2023

The Best Kind of Summer Storm


I'm popping in a day early with a short post (lots going on this week with visiting family) to say this:

Book View Cafe, the author co-operative publisher of which I am a member, is having its Summer Lightning Sale today! All e-books in our store are half off today, September 4. That means hundreds of books by Patricia Rice, Sherwood Smith, and two dozen other authors (including me) in multiple genres such as romance, fantasy, mystery, and science fiction are available at substantial savings. No codes or coupons needed: put books in your cart, and the sale price will show up automagically.  
Planning a fall weekend getaway? Stock up on reading material now. Wanting to explore some new authors? This is a great chance to maybe find a new favorite. Or just pop over and treat yourself to a fun read or two.

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